Chapter 42: Connected Hearts

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After the attack on Storm Colosseum, the ten ninja return, without one who had fallen in battle. Hades declared war against the Illusion Village, and the ninja were quick to accept. Kite, as the leader of the Illusion Village decided to conduct private and intense training sessions to advance the ninja's levels.

| October 1st, 9 Days Until War |

Hikari and Sinha sat underneath a waterfall in a dimly lit cave. It brightened the cave with only the glimmer of amethyst embedded in the rough stone. The sound of the water crashing down echoed through the caves and bounced back at them. In this training, they were to unleash Nin through their bodies alike to the sound waves and have them travel. After this, they must absorb the Nin they had released earlier.

Hikari let out a huge sigh. "This is getting more boring by the second. This doesn't seem as intense as the first week and a half." He complained, sitting with his legs crossed and balanced on a rock.

Water droplets splashed, Sinha opened his emerald hues that glimmered in the amethyst light. "This isn't really supposed to be intense exactly, but it's actually pretty difficult."

Hikari gazed at Sinha's honest face. "Want me to show you?"

Sinha gave him a confused look. "You know how to do it?"

Hikari nodded, focusing his Nin. Amber and golden shades released throughout the caves in small waves. The waves looked controlled and began to bounce backward at them. Hikari, then began to strengthen the Nin at his center. This attracted the waves like a magnet, and he absorbed the power completely. "Just like that!"

Sinha's jaw dropped. "H-How?!"

Hikari chuckled and stretched his back. "Kite already taught me how to do this when I was younger. It took me about three or four months to learn how to do it." Hikari looked up at the cavern's top as he recalled the memories.

"Well, thanks for the instructions. Each time I just release to much Nin in the beginning, it's not as gentle as you did."

Hikari answered back immediately. "Probably because you're too strong. This may sound weird, but since you're Nin is so intense it's hard to have it bounce off the cave and absorb it into yourself. That's the reason Kite assigned us this training, in order to control your Nin. Try releasing gentle waves of Nin." Hikari explained professionally, showing his understanding of his mentor's methods.

Sinha gave a warm smile. "You don't act like it, but you're really sharp. You can pick up on the smallest details, if you were to not become a ninja, I would suggest being a detective."

Hikari let out a laugh. "Well while I enjoy a good mystery novel, I don't think I'm quite up to becoming some great detective."

"Well you never know!" Sinha chuckled, sound waves bouncing through the amethyst cave.

Hikari looked up. "I hope everyone is doing okay. I know Blanche is still suffering from Shiro's passing, I mean you can't help but feel upset."

"Yeah." Sinha recalled the event, his heart now heavy. "I hope she can push past it, for her sake. Although that will take time to heal her inner scars."

Hikari sighed. "You know, they say inner scars are permanent. I understand, but... that doesn't mean you're any weaker than before. Scars won't always bring you down, and it won't hold Blanche down forever." He gave a heartfelt speech.

Sinha's heart lifted to his words, Hikari had a way of making him feel more at ease. "You're right. Okay! Let me practice this again!"

| Meanwhile, Illusion Village |

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