Chapter 18: Prophecy

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Deity Spirits- Spirits that must be sealed into a human, in order to survive longer periods of time and so they will not wreck the world.

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Thirteen Passed!
Hikari Yuki- Illusion Village
Sinha Yoru- Illusion Village
Tatsumaki Shippu- Maple Village
Rozu Kein- Illusion Village
Yosei Shinju- Mirror Village
Matsuri Akua- Maple Village
Sora Kori- Illusion Village
Shiro Yuga- Maple Village
Amai Aja- Illusion Village
Ken Chiha- Illusion Village
Annabelle Maindo- Illusion Village, Kuma Omocha- Maple Village
Kusari Akui- Oak Village

Honorable Tribute:
Hiro Tsubasa- Oak Village (Deceased)

~Maple Village Hospital~

Hikari laid in a white bed, white sheets, and pillows. His eyes were closed, but his blonde Hair look golden in the light.

Yosei sat at his bedside, reading and waiting for him to awaken.

"How's he doing?" A sweet melodious voice asked.

Yosei placed a blue bookmark in her book and responded. "Oh, Hikari's doing well. He hasn't woken up though."

"Hm. I hope he does soon." The lady walked forward, revealing herself to be the leader of the Maple Village.

"A-Ah sorry! I didn't notice it was you Hana-sama!" Yosei apologized.

"Huh? What's there to apologize about?"

"Um well I was kinda informal. I was kinda dazed just sitting here and deep in thought, so I didn't notice." Yosei responded, blushing.

Hana smiled. "That's quite alright. So, this is the boy who won. He's quite strong, and sure has quite a mouth. Although it was quite moving."

Yosei smiled, then started to think. *She uses the word "quite" quite a lot- oh darn now I'm doing it.* Yosei blushed and covered her face.

"Something wrong?"

"" Yosei looked to the left embarrassed.

Hikari started to stir, both girls started paying attention.

"Uh. J-Jeez. How long was I sleeping?" Hikari yawned, his eyes shut.

"3 days." Yosei responded.

"3-3-3 DAYS!" Hikari opened his eyes in shock.

Yosei couldn't help but giggle. "Um yes. Don't worry everything's fine. You just used all of your Nin, which caused extreme exhaustion. Although now you don't seem exhausted one bit."

"Wait a second...Where is Sinha?! Is he still being controlled by Senketsu?!" Hikari raised his fists as though he was going to fight.

Yosei laughed. "Um no he's fine- er actually...maybe not." Yosei looked down in worry.

"Huh? Yosei what do you mean?"

" you know he caused quite a scene and he is on trial for murder without consent." Yosei looked with sad eyes.

"Murder? Who?" Hikari asked, as he suddenly remembered in the 2nd stage, Sinha has badly injured the crazy man who attacked them. He forgot the possibility, he could have died.

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