Chapter 19: Lost Light

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Jin- A category of Nin, in which Nin can spread through the body to make it stronger or make better use of their abilities.

~ June 14th ~

"We're almost there!" Annabelle smiled, she had a white shirt and red short shorts.

"Kami Island should just be ahead." Matsuri noted.

"My home." Hikari said quietly, he now had a white jacket, which had dark blue stripes on the edges. He wore a dark blue shirt underneath it, with his dragon amulet hanging out.

"So wait, how many people passed the advancement exam?" Sora brung up the topic.

"I heard thirteen." Kuma replied.

"Technically it was fourteen. Hikari, Sinha, Rozu, myself, Sora, Matsuri, Annabelle, Kuma, Tatsumaki, Shiro, Ken, Amai, Kusari, and..." Yosei paused.

"And who?" Sora asked.

Yosei looked over to Sinha, who was sleeping and sighed. She tried to speak quietly. "Hiro."

"But he's de-" Sora was cut off.

"Sora! Shh!" Kuma covered his mouth.

"He may be gone, but he was a great and talented ninja." Yosei stated.

"Yeah he was strong enough to almost beat Sinha." Hikari added quietly.

"So I think it's good they passed him, even if he isn't here." Yosei smiled.

"Yeah I guess." Sora replied.

"Hey Rozu, you've been kinda quiet." Yosei said, she was sitting next to her.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about something that happened." Rozu looked up and sighed.

"What happened?"

"Kusari saw me before we left. He told me he wanted to help me stop the Sacred Weapons. I don't know what to think about that." Rozu moved aside her black bangs.

"What do you mean?" Yosei asked.

"Well he could be lying, or he could be after something else. I don't know why he is asking to join me. I don't trust him."

"Well that is tricky. I would say just try to trust him, if he hurts you, we will kick his ass!" Yosei smiled.

Rozu smiled, then let out a laugh. "Okay you're right."

"Sinha look!" Hikari woke him up.

"H-Huh? Are we there?" Sinha yawned. Sinha was now wearing a black jacket over a white t-shirt, also showing the pendant his mother gave him.

"Yep, we're arriving now." Hikari smiled.

The ship captain spoke. "This is as far as I can take ya, please exit the boat!"

"Thank you!" Matsuri waved.

They all exited of the boat, to a small dock. There was a steep and large cliff that separated the dock from the rest of the island.

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