Chapter 17: My Friend

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Assassin Technique- A move that is an assassination technique not a ninja one. They are usually move that quickly kill, or blind an opponent.

~Desert Area~

Hikari and Nui clashed fiercely. Both exhausted from their battles with Rozu to Nui and Hikari against Tatsumaki.

"You're pretty good." Nui applauded him.

"Thanks, but I don't take compliments from crazy villains trying to hurt my friends." Hikari said, his spiky blonde hair blowing in the wind that carried sand particles.

"Guess I'll use my last bit of power against you!" Nui yelled with a beaming smile.

Nui was surrounded by green thread that had helped with defeating Rozu. "This thread will take away your Gene Ability, and you'll be left helpless!" Nui laughed.

"Ice Style, Freeze Over!" Hikari attempted to freeze her.

Her burning scarlet eyes perceived his movements and dodged his attack. "Take this!" The green thread, lead my a small silver needle when to wrap Hikari.

"Ice Style, Snowflake!" Hikari formed a small snowflake, which was sharp and flew at extremely fast speed.

Chucking the snowflake last second, it left a bad wound on Nui's shoulder causing her to collapse, but Hikari was wrapped with the green thread taking away his Gene Ability for the time being.

"Yes! It's over!" Nui celebrated, standing up even with blood spilling from her.

Hikari rose. "Even if one's power is silenced, another power will rise to fight back, and then a never ending supply of power will stand against the darkness. That is light...and that is my power!"


Hikari bursted with a golden light. "Light is the power that stands against the darkness. I will stop you and then stop Senketsu from hurting Sinha!"

"No! I won't lose! Pink Thread!" Nui formed a rose pink thread, also surrounding herself with a pink aura.

"The power of light has truly awakened inside of you." A voice said, as an image of a golden dragon appeared to Hikari,

"Huh? Who are you?" Hikari asked.

"I am Hikari-Deus. You can just call me Deus, since you share my name."

"Huh? I'm confused why is a french fry dragon appearing to me during my battle?" Hikari asked with confusion.

The dragon sighed. "You're smart, yet pretty simple it seems. You don't have time for a introduction, all I'm giving you now is the power of pure light. Use it well, and we will speak again when you're ready!" The dragon of light said.

With a glimmer of golden light, Hikari seemed to me transferred some kind of new power, which entered into his sapphire pendent, that resembled a golden dragon.

"His power spiked?" Nui was confused as she witnessed Hikari's aura expand to double its original size, taking the form of a dragon.

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