Chapter 25: Guardian Angel

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Ninja Base- A place where the leader of the village resides and gives commands and missions to Ninja.

~ September 3rd, Ninja Base ~

Hades and Lord Raven clashed, both holding daggers in their hands. Hades pushed Lord Raven backwards.

"You really do have power." Lord Raven stared at the red-orange aura.

"My Nin grows everyday, I get stronger everyday. This is because I have the desire." Hades threw away his daggers and charged at Lord Raven.

"Strong...however you lack a certain technique." Lord Raven was covered in a violet aura.

"Fire Style, Twin Flame Burst!" Hades formed two flames on both his hands and sent them at Lord Raven.

"Yin Style, Moon Rise!" Lord Raven manipulated a black aura that shined white in the center, forming into a full moon shape.

"What's that gonna do?" Hades asked, waiting to see his fire burn it.

The power started to diminish the flames, until they were gone. "Complete."

"Huh? How did you do that?" Hades asked, angry yet curious.

"The force of the moon's gravity began to kill it basically. Fire cannot survive in outer space, my move creates a special atmosphere. No more fire attacks for you." Lord Raven smiled.

Hades chuckled. "Fine. Although that atmosphere isn't really hurting me. You strongest element is Celestial Manipulation."

"I know, and that's why I'll defeat you here." Lord Raven narrowed his eyes. "Not as the underworld god, but as a egotistical human reaching for the stars ."

"I may seem like that now, but that will not be what I will be. My dreams are capable of reality and they will become it." Hades stated.

"Then I'll have to be the nightmare that stops you from having dreams." Lord Raven locked his black eyes on Hades.

"Celestial Style, Cosmic Collision!" Hades formed a large blue mass from celestial energy.

"I'll counter it. Yin Style, Nightmare Darts!" Lord Raven formed 100's of darts with dark energy and pierced the celestial mass. An explosion occurred, blowing the roof of the building.

"You have a strong will." Hades observed.

"Of course I do, I have to carry the will of all the ninja here. They are my family, and I'll protect them from you!" Lord Raven shouted.

"Family is created with blood ties, not because you simply want someone to be or rule over them." Hades responded.

"Family is people you care for and show your true self to. Maybe it's just something you wouldn't understand." Lord Raven replied.

"Celestial Style, Meteor Judgement!" Large red meteors were hurled down from the sky.

"Here I go! Dark Cloak!" Hades channeled special Nin, his body was consumed with a dark violet color.

"Your Gene Ability, a special Nin cloak that allows a person to enhance their physical and mental abilities." Hades noted.

"Observant, although that isn't all my Gene Ability really does."

"Then show me more."

"Yin Style, Nightmare Darts!" Lord Raven threw his darts of dark energy to break the meteors. Although upon breaking the meteor, rock started hitting houses below.

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