Chapter 36: Messenger

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| September 19th, Illusion Village |

Hikari sat and relaxed in a hot tub along with Yosei. "It feels good to relax!" Hikari smiled.

Yosei giggled, soaking in the warm water. "This month has been crazy. Seventeen days ago our village was attacked. Nine days ago we stopped the Sacred Weapons' plans to rule the world." Yosei's pink hair waved around in the water.

Hikari stared at the midnight sky, stars illuminated the darkness. "Then just yesterday we became "Ninshi", although it's only for the time being."

"After Hades and his subordinates killed five Ninshi, Kite needed to replace them or the village would be in serious harm." Yosei stated.

"Hmph! Hades!" Hikari growled.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to get you worked up. It's just with things moving so quickly...I feel like everything will fall apart."

"Fall apart?" Hikari questioned.

"N-Nothing." Yosei looked away. "It's just me worrying for no reason." Yosei sighed.

"Hey guys!" Rozu opened the door to the patio. "Kite wants to see us!" She was dressed in a red robe, with fancy black armor.

"Why?" Yosei questioned. "And by the way, I love your armor!"

"I know! It was a pain to get the guy to make it, but finally worked it out and it looks great!" She smiled, then realizing she got off track. "But anyway, he wants us there immediately!"

"No explanation? That means it's urgent!" Hikari started to get out and quickly dress himself.

"Wow that was fast. I guess since you know Kite so well, you understand. Well I better get ready too!" Yosei got out.

| Base Headquarters, Kite's Office |

"Thank you for arriving." Kite gazed in the direction of eleven bodies. Hikari, Sinha, Rozu, Yosei, Annabelle, Sora, Matsuri, Kuma, Tatsumaki, Blanche, and Shiro.

"What's going on, Kite-sama?" Blanche asked in gentle voice.

"Well-" Kite was interrupted.

"If this is another promotion I've been through that already!" Hikari stated, remembering what had happened yesterday.

| Yesterday Morning |

"So, in short, for defending our village and even the world, you will serve as honorary Ninshi for the village." Kite looked at Hikari, Sinha, Rozu, Yosei, and Tatsumaki.

"Tatsumaki wasn't even at the Sacred Weapon event!" Hikari complained, pointing at him.

"Hikari, keep your mouth shut on this one!" Yosei fought with him.

"I love watching a couples quarrel!" Rozu smiled deviously, Sinha chuckled.

"You're as lively as ever!" Sinha got closer to her, Rozu looked away.

"Well I guess." She blushed, trying to hide it, and went into thought. *For a second I thought he said lovely, but he said lively! Maybe he should have just said lonely!*

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