Chapter 49: Last Stand

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| Grand Summit, Reborn World |

Hikari stood against Hades in his new reborn world, the ground was a water-like surface and rubber like balls raised to the surface with unknown properties. Hikari forged ahead, unsheathing his Tsuragi and enveloping it in light. "Light Style, Heaven's Sword!"

"Celestial Style, Spacial Disaster!" Suddenly celestial geysers shot out solid, yet liquid ground. Hikari was blasted by the spacial energy infused with the geyser.

"That was unexpected, he's taking full advantage of this unstable area. Hades you're a genius, but I have something ability to fought with all my heart and soul!" Hikari shouted, golden sparks flying off of him.

"Mind over matter!" Hades muttered, forming a sword of solar energy and throwing it into the rubber-like ball. Once piercing the ball, it exploded and released a sticky substance, that left Hikari unable to move.

"I can't get out of this!" Hikari tugged, trying to free himself of the dark purple, sticky substance.

"Perfect! Celestial Style, Astral Nebula!" A cluster of gas and dust formed together with a golden shine. In a sphere it was released and hit Hikari head on. On the bright side he was free of the sticky substance, however he was left badly wounded from the attack.

*Dang it! I'm getting beat up! I can't let everyone down like this!* Hikari thought in anger. "Hades! I'm coming for you!"

"Celestial-!" Hades began a new move, but was suddenly struck in the back of his neck much to his surprise.

"Hades!" Hikari's ocean eyes left a streak of blue in the air as he moved at top speed. "I vow to end you now!"

Hades grunted and let out a fearsome glare. "As do I! Fire Style, Searing Shot!" A burst of flames was shot in a straight line, alike to a laser.

"Water Style, Sea Dragon!" Hikari formed his dragon of water to counter to the searing flames. "Now time for a change! Ice Style, Blizzard!" Hikari unleashed a white storm of snow and ice. The power covered the sea dragon and formed an icy armor as it rode the snowy wind.

"Fusion?!" Hades stepped back in shock, the ice dragon reduced the flames to ash and then collided into him. The cold ice pressed against his body and sunk its fangs into his shoulder, water leaked out along with his blood. "Damn beast!"

"I can be creative too my brother! Go my dragon, raise him to the sky and crush him down to the ground!" Hikari ordered and the icy beast rose Hades into the twilight sky.

"I'm starting to hate Dragons!" Hades glared at the icy winged creature. "Celestial Style, Endless Darkness!" Hades' pupil enlarged to symbol the darkness to come. Suddenly a black hole was formed and sucked the dragon in, destroying it. The black hole remained in the sky and began to suck objects into it, alike to the God's Eye.

"Endless Darkness? This doesn't feel right, that is going to be a problem." Hikari looked at the black hole.

"Be lost in the darkness!" Hades chuckled, the black hole began to expand and suck Hikari into it. "Hikari, I finally don't have to keep you alive. You're of no more use to me! I had many opportunities to kill you, and this is where I finally take the chance!"

Hikari began to recall training with Kite before going into this final battle with Hades.

| Three Weeks Prior, Illusion Village |

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