Chapter 40: The Tempest

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| Storm Village Forest |

Hikari stood, sweating from the intense heat released from their clashing blades. "You're pretty skilled." Hikari breathed heavily.

"I'm surprised that an opponent could last so long against me. I like you, Hikari Yuki." Jupiter stated, his monotone, yet gentle way of speaking seemed to rattle Hikari.

"You know, you don't really give me the villainous vibe. It's strange, but you remind me of Sinha." Hikari answered honestly. "Your heart isn't as cold as the others."

Jupiter stepped forward, intense wind swirled around him, electrified water swarming his feet. "I don't quite understand what you're saying. How does one know the heart's temperature?" Jupiter asked, genuinely confused.

"It's an expression." Hikari sighed and continued. "You see when I say a cold heart, I mean a person who lacks humanity, I think you're just confused. You were probably raised like an assassin, alike to myself. I can see that." Hikari gazed at him with his shining blue orbs.

"That's incorrect. I was not trained as an assassin, would you like to hear my story?" The awkward young adult asked as if he were a child.

"Uh...I guess?" Hikari was unsure, wondering if they would ever start battling again.

"Ok, prepare yourself!" Jupiter pointed at him and began to share his story.

| 12 Years Ago, Music Village |

"Come on we don't have all day! Jupiter needs to go!" A teacher with brown hair yelled at a boy with dark blue hair and bloody red eyes, now known as Pluto.

"Hehe! Foolish teacher!" Pluto yelled aloud, no one in the class understood him, and they all ignored his random outbursts.

"Thank you, your score was an eight out of twenty." The teacher sighed.

"Stupid!" Pluto whispered to himself angrily.

Jupiter stepped forward. "My turn?" He asked innocently.

"Yep! Just go up and do what ever you can to get the highest score possible. Twenty points would equate to a perfect score in this test." The teacher explained, he pointed to the "Nin Calculator", a machine that could only calculate low levels of Nin, therefore only used in lower stages.

"Ok." Jupiter walked up to the black machine, the others began to whisper.

"That's Jupiter, right?" One girl said.

"He's named after a planet, that's a little weird." Another girl stated.

"My mom told me he killed his mother upon birth, apparently he unleashed Nin, blowing up her body from the inside." The girl whispered, they shook in fear and disgust.

"That's totally insane! He's crazy and creepy! A child killing their mother!" People started to become fearful.

Jupiter walked up to the machine and placed his hand on it. "Storm." He whispered as wind, lightning, and water elements became one. A storm emerged and sent the Nin Calculator off the charts. Receiving its max, a hundred.

The teacher dropped his jaw and his clipboard. "What?!"

The students and now the teacher began to fear Jupiter, however this was not bothersome to him. Little things never seemed to get to him, however another event at home did.

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