Chapter 9: Destined

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Advancement Exams- A difficult exam apprentice ninja take in order to advance to the rank of Ninja

~ Maple Village Cafè ~

"H-How could someone do this?" Matsuri tried to stop the bleeding.

"I don't know it's terrible. Matsuri...are you healing him?" Hikari asked.

"Of course. I have medical expertise!" Matsuri explained.

Wow medical arts, that's hard to learn." Hikari noted.

"Zanzo, why did she target you?" Sinha asked calmly.

"She said she wanted to spread her name, and that's why she let me live!" Zanzo panicked.

"Not anyone hurts my teammate!" Matsuri got upset.

"I'll be okay, I'll get you by the first two rounds...but I don't think I can do the final battle round." He admitted.

"That's okay...thank you." She replied in tears, still healing him.

"This is actually getting scary, I hope nothing happens at the Advancement Exam," worried Sinha.

"Well judging from this it will." Hikari looked at Zanzo in pain.

"It's gonna be fine," said Sinha as he also comforted Matsuri.

"Zanzo...I'll pay them back for you! Don't worry everyone, I promise!" His blonde hair flowed with surging power, bottled anger.

"Hikari." Sinha looked at him.

"Attention apprentice ninja! Please gather to the Village Stadium!" A melodious voice rung through the loud speaker.

"Oh! Who was that?" Hikari asked.

"That's Maple Village Leader's voice." Matsuri announced.

"Hey guys lets go." Rozu was waiting at the door.

"Got it, alright team lets pass this exam!" Hikari enthusiastically yelled.

-June 1st, Exam Stadium-

Walking into the packed exam stadium, Hikari looked to notice Tatsumaki, Shiro, and Nui together.

"Oh hey Tatsumaki and Shiro" Hikari saw the indigo haired Tatsumaki and white haired Shiro.

"Oh Hikari. Are you pumped for the exam?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Of course! I'm gonna level up as a ninja...and then, I'll be closer to my goal." Hikari got dark.

"Hikari." Sinha started to worry. *Just what is it that you are so upset about* Sinha started to think.

"Well guys, I'm glad to be competing against you guys, hope you all put up a challenge for me!" Tatsumaki grinned.

Rozu looked and made eye contact with Nui. Rozu tried to run away.

"Hey Ro-Ro!" yelled Nui. "Remember me, we are fellow comrades! Or can I call you sister?" Nui asked excitedly.

"Please do not call me sister." Rozu said.

"Oh Ro-Ro, you're such a downer!" Nui giggled.

"Hey Nui, is it ok for me to tell you something? Rozu asked.

"Of course Ro-Ro you can tell me anything" smiled Nui

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