Chapter 23: Eternal Light

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Eternal Light- A golden powerful light that was porn after the birth of Hikari-Deus in the rift of time-space. It hold an enormous otherworldly power.

~ June 18th, Mountain Hill ~

"You will all fall!" Hades laughed at Sinha and Kite, who looked in awe.

"A-A God move. This can we defeat it?!" Sinha started shaking.

"Sinha! Don't give in, just because it seems impossible. We're ninja, we do the impossible everyday!" Kite smirked and ran to stop the giant golden sun that was hurled towards them.

Sinha gulped. "Y-Yeah!" Sinha started to go into thought. *I need to show everyone I'm not just a demon killer, I am ninja! That's my true nature!* He smiled while thinking this.

"Divine Punishment of Hades the underworld god!" He laughed.

"Hades! You are the enemy of Hikari, therefore you are mine as well. I will not allow you to cause pain to anyone!" Sinha stood strong, dark energy surging around him.

Hades glared. "Hikari's friends are really a thorn in my side."

"Lightning Style, Zeus's Bolt!" Kite formed a strong electricity bolt and hurled it, striking the sun-like object.

The move hardly scratches Hades' Divine Punishment. Sinha's jaw dropped at this fact.

"It did nothing." Kite sighed.

"H-How? How powerful is this move?" Sinha gulped, shaking in fear. "I want to be strong...but it's so hard in this situation. He's a monster!" Sinha whispered to himself.

"Be punished!" The sun-like object closed in on Kite and Sinha.

"Dark Style, Dark Nebula!" Sinha channeled his strong dark energy and released it.

"Pitiful!" Hades laughed, as the dark move did not scratch the move.

"Oh no, that was my strongest move!" Sinha complained.

Kite squinted and got an idea. "Sinha use Shadow Prison." He ordered.

"O-Okay. Dark Style, Shadow Prison!" Sinha formed tentacles made of shadows, they became extremely powerful because of the harsh light.

"Good, now try and imprison that!" Kite yelled.

"I'll try, but I don't think it'll work!" Sinha ordered the tentacles to wrap around the sun-like object, however they were way to small and didn't seem to do much with hardly any grip.

"Good. Hold them there." Kite threw off his black jacket, remaining just a tank-top revealing his well-toned arms.

"Getting serious now?" Hades chuckled.

Kite focused on the blinding object with his aquamarine eyes. "Lightning Style, Lightning Surge."

Kite's body started overflowing with white electricity. It discharged with a powerful spark. The light caused the shadows to expand slightly and the hit the move. Leaving a fairly big dent in Hades's move.

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