Chapter 33: Bonds

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| Hikari + Yosei VS Selena |

"I'll break this shield!" Hikari smacked the Sacred Weapon with his sword.

"My shield won't break to another weapon!" Selena laughed.

"Eyes over here!" Yosei glared at her, forming crystals in the process. "Crystal Style, Razor Jewels!"

"Easy!" Selena grabbed her twin swords and knocked down the jewels that came for her.

"She deflected all of them?" Yosei snickered, and closed her fist tightly in aggression.

"Jewels? They may be pretty, but they lack any actual usage." She laughed, her red eyes burning through Yosei.

"Yosei! Don't let her get you down! You're the strongest person I know! Extinguished her flame and show her what gems can do!"   

Yosei blushed, and gained confidence. "You're right! Hey lady! I guess if you hate gems so much, you've never had jewelry. There is meaning behind every gem! I'll show you the power of crystals!" Yosei unleashed an extraordinary power, the ground started to glow.

"What are you doing?" Selena questioned.

"Crystallize!" Yosei yelled, suddenly the ground became a beautiful sight, shimmering crystals blinded the foe.

"So bright!" Selena shielded her eyes with a black cover she pulled out of her ninja took bag.

"That cover is just cloth, right? Crystal Style, Sapphire Thorn!" A brilliant blue hues jeweled spoke cut through the cloth as well as injuring Selena's left arm.

"My arm! It's bleeding!" She cried in pain.

"Don't worry I'll clean it! Water Style, Aquamarine!" Yosei formed an aquamarine, a light blue gemstone. It released a powerful beam of water.

"Ouch!" Selena shrieked as the water injured her wound further, her arm became useless.

"Yosei." Hikari smiled. "She found a combo move. It must have been invented by a member of the Shinju clan to showcase more crystal and water elements." Hikari analyzed.

"That's right!" Yosei smirked. "Combo moves are one of the most terrifying stuff out there. Although I still have a stronger move up my sleeve!"

"Your signature." Hikari spoke of Diamond Storm, her strongest move since he first met her, she nodded.

"I won't be bested by some rock loving girl!" Selena glared, her red hair was in a much more messy bun,

"I'll crystallize you!" Yosei threatened looking over at Hikari.

"I'm counting on you Yosei, distract her and I'll break the shield!" Hikari shouted, pushing hard on the shield with his Tsuragi.

"Distract me? Well that's not very-" Selena shut up when Yosei swung her diamond sword at her.

"Look here, the show is this way!" Yosei followed with her pearl sword.

Selena smirked. "Evil Thorns!" Violet vines released from her body, like tentacles they stopped Yosei's sword and another vine slapped her across the face. Finally a vine sent her flying backwards.

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