Chapter 47: Crimson Avenger

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"The final phase of my plan has begun, God's Eye will create the world I dreamed of!" Hades laughed manically, his voice echoing through the land. Now more powerful than ever he set into gear to cast God's Eye upon the world.

"N-No." Hikari muttered, powerless to do anything at all. His bones felt broken, while in actuality they were fine. It was his own Nin that disabled him, because of the lost of the spirit within him for sixteen years, it functioned with the body. His body was now acting as if he had lost an organ.

"God Move: God's Eye!" Hades blinded all watching with a golden light that lifted high into the sky. It illuminated the dark clouds and made them look perfectly white. "Create the world to my vision!" Hades smiled, the Eye stared at Hades, it was a brilliant golden color. "Give me a world without rejection of people like me. People like my subordinates, create peace on this world!" Hades begged the Eye.

The Eye couldn't respond, instead it just blinked and then shifted its gaze upward toward the sky. It glowed golden and suddenly the world began to rumble. "Oh no!" Sinha worried.

"God's Eye is taking apart the world." Hikari gulped in fear.

Hades had a big, wide smile, his eyes sunbeams of happiness. "Now the world will form to my exact vision! My fair judgement will become a great world of peace, something this world could never have!"

Hikari gathered energy to speak. "This world is being ripped apart, how will you even survive this?" Hikari watched chunks of earth ripped from the ground around him.

"The caster of God's Eye cannot be erased by it's use, that's one it's effects. It's also why I chose it, if it were to remove me then it would be pointless. I wish to live in the world I create, not simply kill this world!" Hades explained, his plan was solid even Hikari had to admit.

"You're really doing this? I guess we'll have to take you out on this world you love so much. I wonder, if you kill the user of God's Eye, does it stop the creation of a new world?" Hikari asked in curiosity.

"Aren't you a genius!" Hades smiled. "But no one can kill me now, I've become even stronger than before. You two are now powerless, that girl isn't even conscious and all your friends are fighting or maybe dead. There is no hope!" Hades announced loudly.

"I think you might have to may attention to your surroundings more." Hikari smiled deviously, hinting for Hades to look behind him.

"Who's there?" Hades asked in a bothered tone, he turned his head. "You again?"

Rozu stood basking in the white light of the clouds above, she had a scarlet aura dancing around her. Her Blood Rose Sword in her right hand, and a smile on her face. "Looks like I have to save your asses again!" She looked at Hikari and Sinha.

"Rozu! Help me!" Sinha called out for her in whiny voice.

"Beat him up!" Hikari encouraged her, much to her amusement.

Hades frowned in disbelief. "You really think you can take me on alone?! I'm now almost a complete deity, I'm much stronger than I was when I was facing all three of you."

"That doesn't matter. I don't care if you're stronger than me, I'm going to stand up for what I believe in no matter what. Even you'll understand when we finish fighting, no matter what the outcome!" Rozu pointed her white blade at him, scarlet rose petals danced off of the blade.

Hades stepped forward, crushing the ground with a simple step. "Okay. Rozu Kein, is it?"

"It is."

"I recognize your bravery, I'll battle you with my full strength. It befits the one who successfully killed Atarashi." Hades stated.

"It was time for her to go, and now it's your turn!" Rozu unleashed a threatening scarlet aura and stepped into attack with her white blade.

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