Chapter 48: Reborn World

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| Limbo |

Yosei dueled against Shinju who had summoned Sacred Tiger, a special spirit capable of absorbing Nin. Shinju boldly boasted her spirit's power. "Sacred Tiger's Nin disrupts the flow of another person's Nin. Although this technique doesn't work on me because the tiger's Nin is linked to mine. It's impossible for you to win now!"

Yosei shot a piercing glare at her mother. "Mother, I think you've made a mistake."

"A mistake? Impossible!"

Yosei stepped forward and created crystals despite the Sacred Tigre's ability. "I'm your child, our Nin is linked together as well." Yosei's aqua eyes glowed bright as she unleashed a stream of crystal shards.

"I-I didn't think that would matter." Her mother was in shock as the crystal shards struck down the Sacred Tiger.

"Poor beast." Yosei crouched down to the tiger and stroked it's white fur. "Close the gate!" Yosei looked at her mother, hoping that she would send the spirit back to rest.

Shinju denied. "I will not! That beast isn't done yet!" She started to manipulate crystals around the head of the tiger. "Kill her!" She forced the tiger to attack Yosei.

"Water Style, Aquamarine!" Yosei released an aquamarine crystal which exploded, water flooding the tiger in a whirlpool.

"Don't give in!" Shinju yelled, the tiger pushed past the whirlpool and successfully placed its teeth on her shoulder, biting into her like an apple. Crimson liquid leaked out of his shoulder as she shrieked in pain.

"Mother! Stop using spirits to do your biding!"

"Then just finish it already! Oh that's right, you don't like killing! It must be even harder since it's an animal, I know you loved them!" Shinju insulted her, laughing.

"Sacred Tiger is a spirit, not an animal! Normally they're able to talk, have more free will, I see you made it your personal slave!" Yosei growled, her pink hair rising from her rage.

The garnet swords summoned once again, pointing at Yosei at the tiger. Yosei had already been injured multiple time, she was close to death by blood loss. "Die!"

"Pearl Chains!" Yosei unleashed chains carved of pearl, the chains stopped the swords. She stroked the tiger and whispered to it. "Be free." Yosei teared up as she constricted the tiger in the chains, but this allowed it to fade back to the Spirit World.

"You little-!" Shinju raised her arms in the air and prepared her wrath. "This is the end!"

"I agree!" Yosei stood strong, her bubblegum hair flowing in the twilight sky, her aqua eyes illuminated like her crystals.

"Then, my daughter let's finish this battle!" Shinju unleashed multiple different crystals into the air. "I will show you my perfected move over a thousand years!"

Yosei was overflowing with intense power, her seal had been broken. "I'm a half-deity, I've learned to except this about myself through the friendships I've made. I thought if anyone knew, they would think I was a monster, and with my uncontrollable power it might have been true. Although that was the past, so now I'll use every ounce of my power to stop you from hurting this world any further!"

"God Move: Crown Jewel!" Shinju formed four large crystals rotating around her. Sapphire, Garnet, Emerald, and Pearl gemstones. They lit up, transferring their light to Shinju in the center. She was illuminated by a blinding white light, which fused with her Nin to create a lovely blush colored shine.

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