Chapter 39: Senketsu

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Blanche stared at Shiro's corpse. "Shiro! Why?" She sobbed.

Sinha was trapped inside a nightmare, which began to tear apart his own body. Cuts and bruises appeared on his skin. "If you stay trapped, you'll only die!" Akuma cracked himself up.

"You monster!" Blanche shed tears, she was stationary, the poison threads were weaved around her and Shiro's body.

"Cry me a river!" Akuma's hand began to glow. Blanche looked down, emotions hit her hard, her Nin became unstable. "Huh?" Akuma stared.

"Cry you a river?" She started to laugh, it sent chills down even Akuma's spine. He couldn't believe she could laugh at that moment.

"Your friend is dead! Shouldn't you be angry and crying?" He questioned.

Blanche tilted up her head, messy white hair began to blow as if there was a strong wind. "I'll cry you an ocean!" She unleashed tremendous energy, white aura consumed the strings and destroyed them.

"She destroyed it?!" Akuma backed away, he raised his right arm. Hazy black Nin lingered around it. "Spider Ferocity!" Legs of a large spider grabbed her beneath the ground.

"Guardian Angel." She whispered, her Nin forced the legs to explode. She walked forward with a fearsome gaze. "I'll repay you for killing my brother and my lover!" She shouted.

"So you're not just a mistake, I see." Akuma grinned, demonic Nin was released from his body. It made the air cold, and felt as if demons themselves lingered in the wind.

"I'll make you pay!" Blanche rushed in, she went to strike with her palm. Her straightforward attack had no thinking, Akuma was already a step ahead of her. He appeared behind her and smacked her down to the ground with great force.

"You're unstable. Just like that demon child!" Akuma concluded, glaring with his deep crimson orbs. He walked over and grasped Blanche by her hair, lifting her body into the air.

"No. No! I won't lose!" She kicked his face, however the kick had no Nin stored into it, therefore her kick was weak.

"With a weak body like yours, you could never injure me normally." Akuma threw her into the ground, she coughed up blood. Her eyesight started to wither, once she gave up fighting, she would lose consciousness and most likely be killed.

"I will save-" Blanche's tears leaked down her face.

"No one!" Akuma smirked, lifting up his left arm to finish her. Suddenly he was pushed backwards by a fist of demonic force.

"Sinha?" Blanche stared at him, her body and mind weakened. "Shiro...he's-"

"I know, but you can't lose control. Once you let the demons take over, it's hard to find the light again...I would know." Sinha gave her a heartfelt speech.

"Sinha. I can't fight anymore." She cried, placing her face into her knees.

"Blanche." Shiro whispered, he crawled over to her with every ounce of strength he had left. The dirt ground had prints of his hands,

"Shiro?! You can move!" Blanche became excited, she felt a spark of hope. "I can still save you!"

Shiro shook his head in disagreement. "I'm sorry Blanche, I don't think that's possible. This poison is injected into my body, I was hardly able to stop the spear from hitting my heart."

"How did you stop it?" Sinha stared at Akuma wanted him to know that his friends weren't all talk.

"I used Jin to harden my chest, making it harder for the spear to breach it. Quickly after, I used Kin to create an inner shield to my heart." Shiro explained the complex structure of different Nin forms.

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