Chapter 6: Friendless

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Ninja Quest- A mission that a ninja is given to complete, it is required for ninja to regularly be given quests

-May 29th, Town Square-

"Time to go to the Maple Village!" Hikari said loudly.

"Yep! But remember we have the send off ceremony quick." Sinha added.

"Yeah and before that...we might wanna do something." A familiar voice spoke.

"Huh did you hear something?" Hikari asked.

"That's' just me!" Sensei Hoshi appeared out of no where.

"Oh hey Sensei, did you not want something?" Hikari jumped.

"Well yes it's come to my attention that we need to do a Ninja Quest in order to go to the Advancement Exams." Hoshi said.

"Huh? How are we supposed to do that now?" Rozu got annoyed.

"We don't have time!" Sinha worried.

"Calm down guys!" Hoshi tried to quiet them.

"I knew it was weird I heard Annabelle saying something about going on five Ninja Quests." Hikari scratched his head.

"Five? We don't have time for that!" She screamed in anger.

"No we only have to do one! It will just be more challenging. We will do a harder quest so it will count as five. Right after your send off ceremony, we will go and do it as fast as we can!" Hoshi ordered.

"I hope this works." Rozu said with a sigh.

"It definitely will! Let's trust our Sensei!" Hikari said cheerfully.

"Ugh he is too hopeful." She sighed, moving her black bangs aside.

"Well his name does mean "light", so maybe he is just living up to it!" Sinha smiled.

"Hikari! Hikari!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Huh? Oh, Annabelle how have you been?" Hikari asked.

"Hehe just great, so you got Sinha I see!" Annabelle waved to him. Sinha waved back with a smile.

"Is that your team?" Hikari asked looking at the two people behind her.

"Yes, we are her teammates. I'm Chiha Ken." The boy said in a proper tone. He had grayish black hair, and lazy orange eyes with a scar on the right one. He wore a long black jacket and long black pants. He carried a silver sword on his back and many kunai on a belt.

"Yes and I am Yuga Blanche. It's a pleasure to meet you, Hikari I have heard so much about you from Annabelle." A girl with white hair and glowing amethyst eyes. She wore a white jacket over a baby blue blouse and silver skirt.

"Hey!" Sinha waved.

"Why are you waving so much today?" Rozu asked.

"Why do you care?" Annabelle said with an attitude.

"I don't like you very much." Rozu replied.

"Don't have too." Annabelle smiled back.

"Hello this is Team 1, myself, Sinha, and Rozu!" Hikari introduced them.

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