Sorry, This is Kind Of Important

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I know anyone reading this was hoping for a new chapter.

With summer vacation and long car rides, it'll most likely happen.

But I wanted to talk about a touchy and sad subject.

This subject is bullying.

And no, this won't be like a talk you get at school. Well, maybe.

I was talking with some friends recently, and I realized how apparently bullying is in my life.

I am very close with one person, let's call them X.

X and I have been very close for about 2 years now. We didn't know each other before then, but I knew of X.

A lot of people would talk about X around me, even before I knew X.

After become close with X, I realized how much of a jerk someone I know could be. Let's call this person Y.

Y was in the same gym class as X this year. I would sit with X at lunch at the beginning of the year, and apparently Y was pretty rude from the start.

Y and Y's group of friends would make fun of and be rude to X during gym, and X would tell me at lunch.

They would call X ugly, say nobody would ever like X, and tell X that they 'needed Jesus', even though X hadn't done anything to them.

I had started liking X. Like, like liking X. And I'd told X this.

X accidentally spilled the beans.

Y's friend group took this as somewhat of a chance, calling me names like 'fat slut'.

I had to hear what had been said second hand. Things that had been said about me.

People would talk about me when I wasn't even there, and people would talk about X legitimately behind X's back.

That's not okay.

No matter how someone has treated you, you have no right to act that way back, at least in the somewhat small, in school sense. 'Treat others how you want to be treated' was taken too far, and used incorrectly.

Bullying was a really apparent problem in this situation, and I don't think telling an adult would help too much.

X was viewed as somewhat problematic to the teachers. They may not have been as much help than what might've been needed.

If you hear about this sort of stuff, or similar things have happened to you or someone close to you, get whatever help you can.

I am mad to this day about what Y and friends did to X. I haven't confronted them about it.

I hope this was informational to you, and showed just how bad a bully can be.

[i have many rants and stories about this sort of stuff happening first or second hand, so if you want me to make a book of them and let you all relate to and we can discuss, comment or put 'M' in your comment]


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