Chapter 30: Boys

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It had been about 6 months since Robyn and the boys of One Direction had seen eachother, and the boys were feeling as lonely and as horrified as they had benn when Zayn was in hospital. They knew not of her whereabouts, nor if she was alive, but they kept together and comforted eachother; It actually seemed as though their bonsd towards one another were stronger, if that was even possible. They were still stationed in London, unwilling to move just in case Robyn came back, even though they knew they'd be disappointing their fans. 

 #Help1DFindRobyn was still trending on twitter, believe it or not, and was actually holding a record for the longest trend. It amazed the boys how smart their fans were to notice that Robyn still hadn't been found. Some fans had even gone to the limits of sending out search parties for her, as the boys tweeted constantly, asking Robyn to reply to her texts and her phone calls. Members of other fandoms were also helping out, which touched the boys hearts greatly knowing that people cared and were genuinly decent people.

Yet, there were still some unpleasant and unnecessary comments which made the boys, especially Zayn's, stomaches lurch and flip. Comments that were speaking of Robyn with bad images, comments that were unbelievably rude and revolting. "Keep away from my boys, Robyn" and "I hope nobody finds her" was passed along on a daily basis, and it was just something that the boys had to learn to ignore, no matter how hard it was.

Robyn was still stuck at that horrid school, going to her classes and training with her friends, having a bearable time, and sometimes she even noticed that Perrie didn't attend, which made the days better. But she didn't want to be there, taking the same lessons over and over again got boring, especially as she already knew everything she was being taught, but did she have a choice? Was there anyway that she could escape? She didn't even think that the boys remembered her and didn't know where her mother was. She wished she had some contact with her, but Agent Beckitt took all of her stuff away (apart from the essentials) so she has no phone, no laptop or anything that'd've helped her out. 

Since the day that she had been bribed by Beckitt, she had heard no word from him, nor seen him, which she found very peculiar. She would have imagined that he'd be seen wondering around or talking to teachers but there was no trace or evidence that he had been. Did he even live here? Passed through Robyn's mind now and again. Dylan and Ian said that he used to be seen now and again, but why not now

'What is he up to and why am I still there?' Was usually the question that was held in her mind.



I picked up the portrait of Robyn and I she had drawn for me, and I couldn't help but let a little whimper as I recalled the words she had said to me when I was in the hospital. 

"I-I know you can't hear em or see me... but I really miss you. We all do, and-and I feel that this is all my fault... which makes me feel 100x worse then sad. I should've saved you, but I was caught up in my own world back stage, having my own problems actually... but  those problems I would've easily thrown away if I knew what was going to happen to you, Zayn. I should've been there, I should have risked my life to save yours because I'm probably going to die soon anyway... but I promise that before I do die, I'll find who sh-shot you. Whether it's the mosth dangerous assassin in the world or... I don't know, a trained butterfly. Because, Zayn, apart from the fact that it's my duty to find out, but because... because I love you," she grabbed my hand softly," I really do. You don't have a clue how hard it has been for me to see you in the hospital everyday for the last 2 months. We aren't even sure when you'll leave... I've missed your smile, your laugh, your voice, your eyes... just you, who you are. But of course, you already know that, everybody does..." she chuckled to herself quietly as she remembers what she had brought. She takes her hand away from Zayn's to get out the present. "This is for you, Zayn. I hope that you'll see it one day."

I remembered the whole speech and I could still occasionally hear Robyn's gentle tone in my ear, just like I had in the hospital. All of those words that made no sense to me, now made too much sense for me to comprehend. I didn't want to believe that Robyn was an assassin, nor that she had been keeping this a massive secret from the boys and I... But what I did want to believe was the words that had been keeping me a tinch happy for the past 6 months. 

 "I love you...", and then she kissed me on the cheek. 

I ran my hand over the place she had kissed me and a small smile formed on my face, but the thoughts that filled my mind brought me back to tears.

Will I ever see you again? 


I munched on my pringles as I watched an episode of Family Guy on TV.

"Louise, you're over reacting.... and you can't spell over reacting without ovary.... because you're a girl..." Peter says suspiciously whilst eyeing his wife.

Usually, I would've laughed so hard that I'd be on the floor, but not today. Not recently.

Not for 6 months.

Yes, I did love Robyn, and I realised that it was just a crush, but it didn't mean that I couldn't worry. She was one of my best friends, of course I was going to be worried, and my feelings did still linger whenever I thought of her... But I could tell that those feelings weren't as bad as the feelings Zayn had been experiencing.

I knew that all 5 of us had had something special for Robyn, whether it was a little crush or a big one, but most of us had moved on. We had come to terms with the fact that we may not see Robyn ever again, which killed me.

I had a new girlfriend now called Anaïs. (Un-Ney-Us). She was perfect, everything I could ask for. She was beautiful, smart and we cared for eachother deeply.

Liam had a girlfriend called Julie, but I didn't like her very much.

She seemed weird, and not the good kind. The pervy kind.

Louis and Harry were still single, I didn't think that they want to get over Robyn and I knew Zayn definitely didn't want to, but he has got somebody knew now.

He started to date again when Liam and I forced him to, we were very persuasive like that... but we didn't want him to date her.

Nobody wanted him to date her.

He probably only decided to date her because they had history... he didn't actually feel anything for her.

I doubt even Paul wants him to date her.

Because that girl is Perrie.

Perrie Edwards.

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