Never Really Finished...

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Poems should be written from the heart, so that's just what I'll try to do.

This one will be different though, but all the words will still remain true.

I feel like I'm breaking my own rule, by making the process long,

But I want you to know the whole truth, and that doesn't feel wrong.

I'll try to make it all fit, every did, do and will do.

I will dot my I's and cross my T's, to see this poem through.

My memories and dreams of you, can sometimes be hard to recall.

This poetic process is long, but I'll try to stay on the ball.

All that I'll ever say to you, a gentleman already said before,

Which leads me to ask myself, "Can I ever be that genuine anymore?"

These flowing lines may rhyme, but there's more to them than perfection.

These words come from my heart, my mind and musical direction.

Now this poem continues, through its journey of recollection,

Gathering more words and phrases, against minimal objection.

Soccer brought us together in life, once early and now late.

Go ahead, call me a fool, but I can't help think that it's fate.

I think we've been given a second chance, but for what I do not know.

If I'm to ask you to walk with me again, would the answer be no?

Our timeline faded a lot, due to the time we've been apart,

So I'm sure that we've both changed, but what matters is in the heart.

Morals and values upheld by a golden heart and a mature mind,

So long as you can walk life's path, without the sun making you go blind.

I wonder what continues to grow, at your core in comparison to mine.

With roots planted so deep in your toes and branches budding all around your spine.

We can fly, but the skies belong to the birds.

These are my thoughts, but they are someone else's words.

I want you to be mine and me to be yours.

You'd make me so proud that I'd do all the chores.

We could even have a family, starting with a son,

But until that happy day comes, this poem isn't done.

Words of Time: A Collection of Poems Throughout The YearsWhere stories live. Discover now