Eternal Love

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I love you with my whole heart and nothing less,

But I still get worried, when I make a mess.

I don't know where I'd be, if I didn't have you,

I just hope you feel, the same way about me too.

I know that in my heart, I believe that you love me,

But sometimes I wonder, about things that I can't see.

I'm worried about losing you and saying goodbye,

Because if I ever did, I would most likely die.

I cannot bare the thought, of ever losing you,

Without your guidance, I wouldn't know what to do.

I've given you so much love, that my heart is in two parts,

Now my very love is filling, both of our beating hearts.

I hope you understand now, why it's you who I miss,

Because the only time I feel whole, is when we kiss.

Words of Time: A Collection of Poems Throughout The YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz