The Real Me

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I am everything you don't want to be.

I am everything you don't want to see.

I am everything you want to be.

I am everything you want to see.

It seems that no matter how hard I try.

Everything I tell you is a lie.

I try to be honest, but it makes no sense.

Just like throwing rocks, at your own wooden fence.

My honesty may be broken and my lies made of gold,

But I want you to be happy, even when you are old.

Telling you lies, may not always be right,

But I don't want you, to run or take flight.

I want you to be with me, forever and always,

Through long sunny days, and disastrous rainy days.

I want to become everything you need at your very will,

But when you need nothing, I come to a complete lifeless standstill.

Now is the time for me, to become the real me,

But if you'll be happy, is hard for me to see.

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