Now Or Never

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As she sits there silent and still

Resting perfectly on the window sill.

Her eyes glimmer from the sun's rays,

And her beauty level begins to raise.

She seems so perfect in every way,

But I won't tell her what I have to say.

My feelings will stay inside me,

So that she will not be able to see,

How I truly think and feel,

As I keep my unbroken seal.

I'm afraid right now to tell her why,

But soon I hope to give it a try.

I don't know what she'll do or say,

Or whether she will run away.

I guess there's no pain in trying,

Just as long as there's no crying.

I have to boost my confidence up,

Because I feel like a shy, little pup.

The moment will come, I hope I don't fail,

Because my heart, is already frail.

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