As The Dust Settles*

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If only I knew where to begin, baby.

I screwed up, so forgive me, maybe?

My lips still burn since that night,

From your venom, that started the fight.

You grabbed me and yelled, you wanted to know:

"Is she prettier than me?" My answer was no.

But you didn't hear me, you were blinded by rage,

Your behaviour was crazy, you didn't act your age.

I tried to get away so things would calm down,

Yet you followed, and kept shaking your crown.

Your king is not perfect, I hope you see that now.

I wasn't going to kneel, and I wasn't going to bow.

I stood my ground, even when you came at me,

Pushing you back, but only for my safety.

Your rage it scares me, like a little boy,

Like a father who hits him with his broken toy.

I can't go on without you, but you've shut me out.

You've gone silent after wanting to scream and shout.

I know you need to focus, it's an important time for you,

But I've been sending texts and leaving voicemails too.

All have gone unanswered to my dismay,

And yet I still have so much to fucking say.

I can't do this alone, I refuse to give up,

I'll wait for you, I'll keep emptying my cup.

The strength that I have, the persistence too,

I swear I got it all, from loving you.

So you see, I can't stop even if I wanted,

Your heart would curse me, I'd forever be haunted.

So I write, and I wait, and I sometimes sing,

With the hope, that one day, I may buy you a ring.

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