Love's Uncertainties And Trials

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Has your heart ever ached for someone before?

Mine has, and I don't want it to anymore.

I know I can handle the pain, but for how much longer?

Each time this shit happens, it feels like it's getting stronger.

Some may call me weak, even pathetic; I call myself human.

Writing my thoughts and feelings can sometimes help a lot,

But being my escape routes, they are certainly not.

No matter how fast you run, your problems won't go away.

You'll be on this planet, even after your dying day.

Laugh, cry, cheat and steal; is love even real?

There's a certain attachment, that some people can get.

Like a child's curiosity, about a sunset.

You're drawn to it because it's beautiful and makes you warm inside.

Despite those cold and dreary days, you've sat at home alone and cried.

Love can be cruel and love can be great; so just you wait.

It's hard to fall asleep at night, knowing they're not there,

To wake up to in the morning, with touchable hair.

You lay there in silence, imagining they were,

Only to realize, that sleep would soon occur.

I won't give up on love; it's brought me too far.

If you're nearly in tears, it means something to you,

To love and be loved, it's all we can ever do.

I'm thinking of someone and I long to be with her,

I'm not even sure, if this love sickness has a cure.

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