It's Not Time For Goodbyes

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I've cried a million tears, possibly in vain,

Now knowing you've moved on, leaving me in pain.

I've held on so long, to our once beautiful love,

Because I believe in destiny from above.

I told you that I'd wait and I most certainly will,

I will wait forever, but I will not stand still.

I will carry on and make sure I'm prepared,

When the chance comes again, for us to be paired.

I'm sure it seems impossible, for me to want to stay,

But my dear love struck heart, will never let me go astray.

You may have broken my heart, but the love won't go away,

Because only your love can fix it, any given day.

Right now things may not look good, but we can't say goodbye,

Because that would mean things are good and that is a lie.

Broken hearts and tears, do not spell out the end,

For love is always there, to receive and send.

The future will be full of things, both good and bad,

And I will support you, when you're happy or sad.

This dream of our destiny, may not even come true,

But I honestly believe, that I was meant for you.

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