Hard Line Belief

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This one goes out to the one whom I do love,

For you I'd go through hell and heaven above.

I'm taking a stand to offer the olive branch,

Because I still dream of a wedding on a ranch.

Though the willow trees may weep, you shall not,

For you will stand tall and not be forgot.

Your years are young and so is your mind,

Just keep going, though the road may wind.

We may be a little selfish in the end,

And that is why we choose to love while we mend.

I loved you in ways you can't understand,

But for those months, we still walked hand in hand.

Keep our love deep down, deep down in your heart,

So when you're alone, we won't feel apart.

I can only hope my love will make you better,

Even if only through the words in this letter.

You're not gone yet, but you're leaving, I know,

And I can't take you with me, to the show.

Though the distance may be great for us to overcome,

In the end it'll be worth it because we'll both have won.

So with one final thought before I run out of ink,

I'll love you forever, despite all that you might think.

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