Soulmate Inspiration

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You once wrote for me, with my picture by your side,

Now I'll do the same, with these feelings I can't hide.

Seeing you again must be some form of fate,

Because it's happening, all so very late.

I'm a fool if anything, for the way I feel.

Still wanting to ask you, as I get down to kneel.

I still love you and I don't regret it,

The butterflies, memories, every bit.

The space between us is a journey we both must take.

Embracing again, would be the icing on the cake.

My love for you is old, but it is true and real.

Deep down inside, it's all that I can ever feel.

These blues eyes will wait for you,

'Til the day you say, "I do."

So until that day comes, I will continue to write.

You're my inspiration, with your smile shining so bright.

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