We Are One

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You cared for me and I cared for you.

Then you got ideas and made assumptions.

You thought I was doing things behind your back, when I really was not.

You thought I didn't love you, when I loved you a lot.

Then you found out the truth, but that didn't help.

You wanted me all to yourself and you were willing to do anything to keep me yours.

When that standoff occurred, I thought you would give up.

When that gun fired and shredded your beauty, I thought it was the end.

I wasn't quite sure of what had ended, but I soon realized what, when you hit the floor.

Why did you have to leave me, when things were going good.

Now I lay at home these days, crying myself to sleep.

Wondering when I would see you again, all beautiful and winged.

I long for you to be in my arms, so that I may fall asleep.

Knowing that you are breathing and that you are safe.

You have left earth and you may never come back,

But I want you to know, that you will never leave my heart.

I want to see you, I want to hold you, but you have left my sight and you are out of reach.

I will see you again someday, hopefully someday soon.

I'm sitting here with your picture, burning your image in my mind.

With my gun at my side and your picture in my hands, I know that you are close.

Closer than you have ever been since that day you left.

We will be together soon, my time is drawing near.

I think I can hear you crying and your pleads for me to stay.

I know that's what you would want me to do, but I can't wait any longer.

My tears are drying and my love for you is dying.

I want to renew that love we once had.

Living together as one, we were happy as could be.

Now we will be together again, forever in each other's arms.

We can spend everyday looking deeply into each other's eyes.

Kissing sweetly, like we once did.

I can feel it now, the pressure of the gun.

The pressure that will soon turn into one instant of pain.

One instant of pain, which will turn into never ending love.

My finger tenses, I am ready.

Your picture is now in my pocket and my eyes are clenched tight.

I bring back memories of when we were together.

Those rainy nights when there was thunder.

We would take late walks side by side, enjoying the refreshing rain.

Laughing, singing and dancing, all in the rain.

Then we would embrace each other and kiss for what seemed like an eternity.

Then the thunder would die down and the rain would continue its dance.

When we got back home, all tired and wet.

We would hang up our clothes so they may dry,

While we sat by the fire, drying our cold and wet bodies.

As our colour returned to our faces we would gently fall asleep,

In each other's arms until the morning sun woke us up with its bright orange smile.

I can remember many times like that because they're all stuck in my mind.

Now I am on my way, my finger has done its job.

I am lifted towards the light, with enchanting singing and a sweet voice.

The voice is yours, the tears are yours...

I disobeyed what you wanted me to do.

But then you start hugging me, drying your tears in my skin.

Then you gently kiss me and lead me to my wings.

We fly away to a cloud, which is puffy and white.

We gently land down on it as our souls reunite.

We are one again and we will always be.

In this heavenly sky among these clouds.

We are one.

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