Chapter Nine: Drought

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Recovering Possibilities

For weeks I've wanted to write for you,

But the true words just never came through.

Now I lay here, in the tiring light,

Thinking that it's just one more endless night.

I made another mistake, just like I always do.

Asking you to go out with me, when you didn't want to.

I wanted to take you out, just for a nice time,

But the offer made your heart, go sour like a lime.

I tried to make you see, that I was in no pain,

But truth be told, my heart was beginning to drain.

You said we couldn't be friends and that it was the end,

But I feel that God, wanted me to stay and defend.

I sent you a message, but received no return.

And that is when my heart, began to feel the burn.

The silence was unbearable, each second seemed an hour.

Each day a week until, the day I cried in the shower.

The pain seemed similar, to ones from the past,

But I did not know, how long this one would last.

It seems the pain is in hiding, deep down inside.

From you, each and everyday, not being eyed,

I feel there's tension, between you and I.

I'm sure you feel it too, you cannot deny.

I want it to go away and us to be friends,

Because this is not the way, that this story ends.

Our future seems uncertain, that part is true,

But one God-willing day, I could be with you.

So finish reading this poem and let it be, what it is to be.

Ask yourself if you'd like, to be married on a lovely day to me.

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