My Heart Will Stay With You

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I thought the bearer of ribbon red was sweet,

Loving, caring, beautiful and neat.

She came bearing my new ribbon as a gift,

Though like a mirage without a shift.

She came alone with a smile on her face,

Walking towards me flaunting her grace.

She unwrapped the gift and gave it to me,

A shining new red ribbon was all I could see.

She spoke every word as if she were singing,

Putting me at ease with her voice ringing.

I gazed into her eyes and began to smile,

But soon looked away, for a while.

She made me happy and feel good inside,

With her I had no reason to run and hide.

Her beautiful long hair caught my eye,

Just like the moon in the night sky.

She took my hand and held it tight,

Smiling and emitting surrounding light.

She came close and gave me a hug,

Then on my chain there was a little tug.

She held it up and it vanished in the air,

Now my heart had a new ribbon to bear.

After a while things were great,

We even went on a little date.

But then things became silent and I was sad,

Thinking that I had done something bad.

The Christmas holidays came real soon,

Just like the reflecting light from the moon.

She became sick and I went to see her,

Bearing her gifts, yet none were myrrh.

Things started up again, but not too fast,

It was quite evident that it would not last.

The day finally came and she said farewell,

Just as my tear-filled eyes began to swell.

From behind her back she pulled the knife,

To cut off my ribbon and leave my life.

She said to be happy, but I know I will not,

Because the ribbon and my heart, was what she got.

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