The Girl With The Matchstick Smile

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I haven't met you, but your smile warms me up,

More than hot chocolate, in my coffee cup.

You give me hope, when I see your smile,

Something I haven't had, in a while.

The warmth and hope I feel are both strong and good,

So for them to continue, I wish they could.

Thoughts creep up, about having a soulmate,

But you're a friend now, so I won't tempt fate.

I'll see where things go, day by day,

Letting them happen, their own way.

I'll go to sleep alone, as usual tonight,

But when I close my eyes, I will still see the light.

Your smile envisioned in my mind's eye,

Along with your eyes, blue as fresh sky.

As your smile lights up, like a striked matchstick,

I will fall asleep, like a blown out wick.

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