Chapter Fourteen: Nearing The End?

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Inside, Outside, I Never Lied

In the beginning things started out rough,

Your past had caused you to be very tough.

I had to convince you that I was no lie,

And that my feelings for you weren't a drive-by.

You were an angel, or so I had thought,

Always wondering every time we fought.

I held on for you, to be my baby,

Because my heart said yes, and not maybe.

I just wanted to keep on loving you,

No matter what it was that you put me through.

I was determined to never give you up,

Holding out my hands willingly like a cup.

Willing and able, I trusted you,

And for a while, I know you did too.

You wanted a simple life and so did I,

This time it felt real, so real that I can't lie.

I could see heaven in your eyes,

As we walked under summer skies.

We were born to be alive and we knew it.

Living to the fullest, camping, the whole bit.

One day I asked if you could feel my heart,

Because I thought we were drifting apart.

You didn't speak, but pushed me away,

Gathering your thoughts, with the delay.

Our love had become unstable over time.

It had somehow soaked up all our dirt and grime.

Assured that I still had this thing for you,

We made up because you said you did too.

It seemed that we came back to say goodbye,

Because every truth seemed like a lie.

I couldn't feel my face and wondered how long we'd slide,

As we wished for clarity and the rain to subside.

You held on, but the time wasn't ready,

Beautiful, but too young to go steady.

Using words as weapons, we tried to let it go.

We were both hurting and drowning, you oughta know.

Sometimes I wonder if the goodbye was just for that now,

Thinking you could love me again, but I just don't know how.

After all of that blame we pointed at each other,

Despite what I said, you're still hated by my mother.

We both loaded our chambers with harsh words of intent.

Laying here now, I wonder how much of it we meant.

Because of you I'm dead inside, a ghost town of a man,

But if I could be healed, no man could love you like I can.

Remembering my sacrifices and all my good deeds,

It hurts to know you gave up and that your demon still feeds.

Writing instead, you should know that I had more to say.

You shut me out, so I reluctantly walked away.

I am no longer able to love you the way you deserve to be,

Even though you said it wasn't enough, one day I'm sure you will see.

And if that day comes when you finally change – which I wish for you.

You'll remember my strong love and you'll know exactly what to do.

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