11 ↠ Hang tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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Camila's P.O.V

My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty; I couldn't help myself and just kept rereading Lauren's text, making sure I didn't misread anything.

Rayyan stood up from the swing set but kept his eyes locked on his pager as he said, "I'm sorry to cut the deep talk short, Camila but I have an emergency at the hospital that I have to go to."

Before Rayyan could leave, I quickly grabbed his arm, making the older man look at me with furrowed brows as I pleadingly asked, "Can I come with you? Something happened and my friend's at the hospital."

"Is your friend okay?"

"She didn't tell me what happened but I need to go to the hospital now." I said, emphasizing on the word 'now'.

Rayyan gave me a small but sad smile before nodding his head as an agreement and walking back into my house, with me following right behind.

As soon as we got into the house, my mother rushed to Rayyan with a worried look on her face, probably getting the same alarm from the hospital as she said, "Did you get a page from the hospital too?" My mother asked hurriedly, earning a nod from the taller man as she quickly added, "She's one of my patients, can I hitch a ride with you?" Could this be the same patient that she had talked with Patricia about? Why the hell would Lauren tell me to go though?

"Of course but Camila-"

"I'm coming too." I said, interrupting Rayyan and making my mother look at me with wide eyes.

"What? Why?" My mother asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I sighed and made my way to the front door while saying, "Lauren told me to come and it sounded urgent, so I'm going."

"Mija, I don't think-"

"I'm going, mami," I said, my tone slightly harsh while I turned around slightly so I could lock eyes with the older Latina as I continued, "Something could've happened to one of them and I'm gonna be there for them."

My mother was about to protest once again but Rayyan interrupted her and I was honestly grateful for that as he said, "Ladies, I'm sorry to interrupt but we really need to go soon."

As soon as he said that, I refused to take no as an answer so I followed Rayyan to his car while my mother followed right behind me. I don't understand why my mother is so against me following them to the hospital; doesn't she know that I'm fucking panicking inside and I need to go to the hospital for reassurance?

What if Lauren got injured? What if Dinah got into a car crash? What if Normani broke her leg? Hell, what if something happened to Y/N? Honestly, I'm hoping to God that any of them isn't true; especially the last one.

I got into the back seat while my mom got into the passenger's seat and Rayyan obviously getting into the driver's seat.

As we were driving to the hospital, I made eye contact with both Rayyan and my mother through the rearview mirror, prompting Rayyan to ask, "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any idea which one of your friends got injured?"

I broke eye contact and looked out the window while breathing out, "No, I don't." The moment I said that, I instinctively took out my phone from my pocket and dialed the number that I've been dying to call.

Calling Y/N☺️.....

It kept on ringing and my panic state worsened when it went straight to voicemail. I dialed her number once again and called her once again, "Come on, pick up!" I said frustratedly before I covered my face momentarily as I sent a series of text messages to the team captain.

A Different Kind of Different ↠ (Camila/You) #1Where stories live. Discover now