20 ↠ Being a hero has its price.

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A/N I highly recommend you guys to play this song through out the chapter once again. Song is 'Brittle Bones' by Julien Baker and unfortunately, I couldn't find the studio version on YouTube but you guys can play it on repeat through Spotify as well as Apple Music. Enjoy chapter 20!


That's all Y/N could feel. Her chest was throbbing and her vision was blurry. She could see police officers standing over her, calling out her name out but to the team captain, it all sounded like mumbling.

All the cops surrounding her was panicking as they knew they failed the one mission they were asked by the chief. Trent looked at her in shock, surprised that the girl would shield him from a gun shot. Luckily, his 3 year old daughter was taken outside by one of the officers after Y/N got shot.

He quickly went over to girl's limp body, pressing onto her shoulder that was injured with his hands. He was distressed by the amount of blood surrounding him. He glanced around and saw that the police officers just stood there, scared instead of doing something.

"If you don't call the medic right this moment, she's gonna fucking bleed to death!" Trent yelled out. He was stressed out. He wanted the girl to make it but looking at the amount of blood she was losing, he was doubtful. "Come on kid, it's not your time yet; pull through!" He yelled out.

Y/N's eyes were half open and half closed. She didn't know what was going on. All she knew was that she'd been shot and her shoulder was numb.

She knew Trent was hovering over her as his voice was the closest to her ears. Y/N didn't know what to do because her body was completely weak and cold.

Outside though, it was complete chaos. Camila had to be held back by both Shawn and Alejandro because she kept trying to go inside the hospital. Rayyan was still screaming into the cop's face but he stopped the moment he saw Emilia on the ground, looking lost as ever.

However, as much as he wanted to comfort her, he needed to see his daughter. Shoving the officer to the side, Rayyan ran into the hospital and even after his name was being called by a lot of people, he couldn't live with the thought that his daughter was dying.

Knowing very well that he had a group of medic following behind him, Rayyan ran straight to his daughter's limp body, noticing that her gun shot wound was being held down by the robber himself. Not knowing any better, Rayyan thought he was the one who shot his daughter.

"You son of a bitch! You fucking shot my daughter!" Rayyan spat before charging towards Trent who was looking at him with wide eyes but refusing to move as he didn't want to lose pressure on Y/N's wound. One of the police officers held Rayyan by the chest, looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

"He didn't do it." The young man said, looking at Rayyan straight in the eyes, his voice weak and soft because he knew that his colleague was the one at fault.

Rayyan furrowed his brows before breathing, "W-What?" He asked, completely confused by the situation before he added, "If he didn't do it, who did?"

Trent scoffed bitterly, earning the attention of the doctor before glaring at one particular police officer as he said, "Who else but these stupid fucks." He spat, making Rayyan follow his line of sight to a police officer who had the most guilty look on his face.

Rayyan walked over to the cop and grabbed him by the collar before spatting, "You will fucking pay for this." He growled. He wanted to punch the living day light out of this officer but he knew there was something even more important than this asshole; his dying daughter.

A Different Kind of Different ↠ (Camila/You) #1Where stories live. Discover now