33 ↠ The savior needs to be saved too.

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[Play song throughout the entire chapter. Enjoy xx.]

Camila's P.O.V

[A month and 3 weeks later.]

"Camila? You need to wake up, sweetie."

A soft voice echoed through my ears as I slowly opened my eyes, covering momentarily with my hands as it gets used to the bright sunlight seeping through the windows.

I instinctively yawned before I stretched slightly in the chair I was calling my bed for the past month and a half.

I looked up and saw that Emilia was looking at me with a sympathetic smile as she said, "You need to go back someday, Camila; you've been here for a week straight," The older woman reasoned before she quickly added, "Sleeping on that chair is not healthy for you; you went through a lot too, you know? You need your own rest."

I didn't really know what to say as I broke my eye contact with Emilia before my eyes landed on the sleeping body right in front of me.


She actually was still breathing even though she's been in a coma for nearly 2 months now. After that chaos with Pete, Rayyan and his father made it right before Pete could even pull the trigger.

I could remember everything that happened that night actually. The sirens. The crying. The unnecessary gunshots. But what destroyed everyone was seeing Y/N's lifeless body on the stretcher for the second time.

Albeit this time there were no gunshots but it doesn't mean it hurts any less.

[A month and 3 weeks ago]

6 cop cars and an ambulance. That's the amount of law enforcement surrounding the Sauvage theatre.

I was currently standing outside of the theatre with Rayyan, Shawn, Ally and Emilia whereas everyone had been asked to wait at Emilia's house.

Ally had just called Emilia over an hour ago, telling her that Pete had Y/N as a hostage at the Sauvage theatre downtown. Obviously, everyone reacted as fast as they could but we were also scared that this would be a repeated event.

Following the orders of Rayyan's father, we were asked to stay away from any entrance doors as one of the cops found out that Pete has a gun up against Y/N's head. Not wanting to risk any more lives, Y/N's grandfather decided to take a more civil approach.

"Pete, if you can hear me, do know that we have you surrounded and we will act if necessary," The old man, whose name is actually Patrick, said through a megaphone as he added, "We know you are loaded and that you have a hostage with you; tell us your terms and conditions and we will do our best to supply you with what you want."


We were greeted with silence instead and it made me feel eerie. Something was about to happen but I can't pinpoint what it was.

As my eyes noticed that Rayyan was now heading into the theatre with a few other cops, I was considering in doing something that might upset Y/N if she was right here with me.

A Different Kind of Different ↠ (Camila/You) #1Where stories live. Discover now