Fixing Your Insecurities [Minizerk]

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Simon has always been insecure and Josh has always been there to show him how much of an amazing person he is. Josh wanted to be the one to make him feel appreciated and loved, and show him that people don't always leave or give up on Simon. But is there a reason for Josh wanting to be the one to fix his insecurities?

Word Count: 3069 Words


Josh took care of him better than anyone. Josh knew all of Simon's insecurities and flaws, every single one. He knew exactly what upset him, what scared him and what he always needed without even asking.

Best friends do that, don't they? Best friends are always there for each other no matter what.

Simon was very insecure. He didn't like himself, not one bit - he hated himself. He hated his voice, the way he looked and he hated his body. It always felt like it was impossible to love himself, or be able to accept himself for who he is.

Ever since he was a child, he was always the chubby kid. The one who gets chosen last in gym class, or left out at break time. The one who was left behind. Simon had gotten used to the feeling of invisibility, he'd hide away in the shadows upon instinct, as if he didn't exist.

This was until he got older, he finally realised that his actions were eating him alive and killing him mentally. Sure, the rest of the Sidemen were there for him, but none of them truly knew the real Simon. 

Not like Josh does anyway.

Josh made Simon feel loved and special and wanted, whenever he was feeling down. He always feels secure and comfortable when he's with Josh. Every time Simon hangs out with Josh, he feels butterflies in his stomach and he can never stop smiling. 

Is this how best friends are supposed to act? Or is this the way he was supposed to feel around Josh? His heart ends up beating a mile per minute, his hands always start to sweat and become clammy, he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood, he stumbles on his words, loses his focus and can never stop blushing or giggling when he's around.

Simon had asked himself many times if it was more than just a 'best friend thing', but he ended up blocking it out of his thoughts. Well he tries to, anyway.

There's no way that Simon could like Josh more than a friend, how could he? Josh was his best friend, his other half, the only one who truly understood him. That's why he feels this way, because Josh understands him. He takes care of Simon and treats him the way he's always wanted to be treated. He makes him feel like he can do anything.

It just can't be anything more than just what best friends do

So here Simon was, lying down on the couch in the living room and watching Misfits on the TV. JJ had gone to Tobi's flat to film a video, while Josh had gone shopping with Vik earlier this morning, leaving Simon alone in the Sidemen House.

Simon stretched his legs taking advantage of the short time he had the sofa to himself, and he felt himself about to drift off when he jumped at the sudden noise of his phone beeping. The brown-haired boy dug his phone out of his pocket, and couldn't prevent the smile tugging at his features when Josh's name popped up on the screen.

From: Zerkdaddy 

Vik ditched me to play that bloody Pokemon game with Ethan I'm so offended! I'm coming back sooooon :) x

Simon's heart fluttered as he read the text again and again. He quickly responded to Josh's text message and slid his phone back into his pocket.

To: Zerkdaddy

Hurry up I'm lonely :( x

He had hardly been getting any sleep these last few days due to his mind constantly racing about thoughts of Josh. Why is he always on my mind? He's my best friend, nothing more - he never will be. The thought of Josh made him smile. Remembering the times the two of them spent together, as they planned and filmed videos to post on YouTube, or the times when Josh would be there for him when no one else was. 

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