Amnesia XIII

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It was times like this when Addison wished that either Katerina, Isabelle or Thomas did business management. She stared out of the window whilst EDM music blared in her ears. The seat next to her was the only available seat left on the coach. Addison didn't mind too much. She would rather sit by herself than sit with one of the Elites behind her. Maya excluded.

They were on the road for an hour and forty-three minutes before they arrived at a tall large black building that resembled an office block. There were green letters on top of the main entrance in block capitals. 'THE CUBE'.

The students got off the coach and were taken to the reception area with their bags. Every piece of furniture inside was white. White tiles, white desks, white plant pots, white walls and even everyone that worked there was dressed in white.

A man walked up to the group with an overly exaggerated smile. "Hello! You all must be the business management class from Eaton Academy! Welcome to The Cube! How are you all?" After everyone responded with a dull chorus of 'okay's and 'good's, he continued. "Great! Well, my name is William Clarke and I'll be the guy you go to if you have any problems. Okay, so you're going to undergo three stages whilst you are here. Personal fears, choices and last but not least, strategy. Any questions so far?"

Everyone remained silent until Ava decided to speak. "Why is this place called 'The Cube' if it's not shaped like a cube?"

William chuckled, "I get that question so often that I should probably address it before I even introduce myself. However, you will be able to understand why it is called 'The Cube' once you have seen your rooms. Is there any other questions?" Everyone stayed silent once more. "Well, in that case, let me show you to your rooms. The first stage will commence immediately."

Addison walked upstairs until they were faced with a crossroad, two corridors that were both lined with doors.

"Okay," William said as he quieted everyone down. "Girls are to go to the right and boys to the left. That's about it from me. You're on your own from now on. Remember to work as fast as possible and to think strategically. Good luck!" With that, he and Mr Holloway left the students alone.

Addison followed the girls down the white hallway. The doors had their names above them. The group got smaller and smaller the further they walked. Addison finally found her room three quarters down the hallway. She opened the door and walked inside with her purple carry on that she had borrowed from Katerina. It was a minimalist room. Yet again, everything was white. There was a bed, sink, toilet and two speakers on two opposite walls. The ceiling wasn't actually a ceiling. It was made entirely of lights make the room almost too blinding to see. As Addison looked around, she realised what William had meant. This was 'The Cube'. The room was shaped like a box.

That's when she heard it. The sound of the door lock. She was trapped inside the room.

What the heck was going on? Why would they lock her inside? What was this? It was like being trapped in that room for the tests in Eaton Academy all over again. Addison's first instinct was to reach for her phone and call for help. That's when she saw that she had no signal and no internet. Great.

All of a sudden everything went dark. The lights went gone off and Addison was left in silence. Not a sound coming from within the room or from the outside. That was until the wall she was facing lit up. Words came up on the wall like a projection, except there was no projector. A woman's voice spoke as Addison listened and read what was written.

'Stage One: Personal Fears'. The words disappeared only to be replaced with new ones. 'You will face three of your biggest fears. Each one will only end once you have learnt to either overcome or deal with it. The amount of time taken for each fear to pass will be recorded. No harm will come your way whilst you are here. Remember that you are completely safe. A final piece of advice, conquer your fear before it conquers you.'

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