~Chapter 1~

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Mabel's POV:

   "Ok guys, so Great Uncle Ford may be gone, and we might have lost a few members to those weird bat things, but we got this! We're gonna show Bill and his henchmaniacs who's boss!"

Dipper and I were giving our pep talk to the remaining members of the rebellion before we went to the Fearamid to attack. To be honest, we were all worried, we'd lost a lot of friends and family during our fight. Weirdmageddon has been going on for about a year now, but I never lost hope.

"We got this! Now grab your weapons and let's go!"

Dipper and I did our signature Mystery Twins fist bump, and we grabbed what we needed. I had my grappling hook, and Dipper brought a baseball bat.

"D-dipper, that one was Grenda's...."

The memory still played in my head daily. I had dragged Grenda along with me for night patrol, when we were spotted by an eyeball bat. It took one look at me and backed off a little before turning Grenda to stone and flying off with her. All she left behind was the baseball bat she had brought to use in self defense.

Dipper's face filled with regret, knowing how much I cared about Grenda and how it hurt me to lose her.

"Mabel I'm so sorry! I grabbed this one on accident! I know you don't like it when-"

"Bro bro, it's ok."

He nodded his head before walking over to Mcgucket to go over the plan again.

We got this. I mean, how hard can it be? Who am I kidding it's been going on for a year now. I've lost everyone- stop it Mabel! You gotta stay positive! Dwelling in the past won't help anything! Besides, I still have Dipper! He'll be with me through thick and thin! Hey I'm good at personal pep talks! Who knew?

"Alright, let's do this!"

Everyone walked out of the shack and through the forest that had our path to the demon Dorito's castle. Dipper held my hand firmly, because he knew how nervous I always got.

We finally made it, but before we started our plan to get into the fortress Bill appeared in front of us. He was holding a glass of purple liquid in his hand, and straightened his bow tie before he spoke.

"I see you meat sacks have come to fight me again?"

"Yes. And we won't lose this time!"

I was still furious at Bill for taking everyone I loved, he had even taken Waddles. He didn't turn him to stone though, he made bacon out of him and made me watch the the whole process. From him killing my poor pig, to the finished product. He even made me eat some.

"Funny you're here, I was actually going to come to that ol' shack myself but you guys made it much easier and came to me!"

"What do you want Bill?"

"I want one of the symbols to join me. And I have a certain one in mind."

We all looked at each other, wondering who he meant.

"I'll give you morons a hint."

Bill's voice echoed through the town, and I was terrified. But I tried my best not to show it.

"A lost star, shooting through the sky looking for one to love. She has no one, except for the one person who is always with her, and wears a stupid hat. But soon, she'll be without him too."

"My hat is not stupid!"

"Wow Pine Tree, you care more about your hat than your sister!"

"W-why do you want m-m-me?"

"You're the one leading this little rebellion. So why not you?"

"Mabel, don't do this."

"Dipper, why would I?"

"Because I've got a deal for ya kid! You join me, and I won't let anyone in your group get hurt! I'll even bring ol' Six Fingers back!"

   "Y-you promise?"

   "I don't make promises I make deals. So do we have a deal or not?"

   I looked behind me at the people I had fought side by side with, and then I saw all their injuries. Broken bones, cuts, bruises, some were even missing limbs.

   Dipper had lost his left arm last month when a bat turned it to stone. He had been running through town and it almost caught him, but only his arm was in the light. He came back to the shack, and we had to take it off. Because of that bat he currently wore a robot looking arm that Mcgucket had made out of makeshift parts he found in the ruins of the town. It worked well enough, and it was definitely more useful for fighting than his noodle arms.

   "I want to add another part to our deal."

   "And what's that?"

   "You'll heal all of their injuries."

   "Even the missing limbs?"


   "Fine. So do we have a deal?"

   "M-Mabel don't do it. We'll defeat Bill, without you having to join him. We'll get Great Uncle Ford back too. But we can't do it without you."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to save me."

   Bill held his hand out to me, and we shook on it.

   "Say your goodbyes Shooting Star! You won't be seeing them for awhile!"

   "How long do I have?"

   "I'll give you fifteen minutes."

   Bill disappeared, and Dipper came over to me. I held out my arms to him for a hug, but he just gave me his death stare.

   "Why would you do that?!"

   "I saved all of you!"

   Ford appeared out of nowhere, and looked around confused. When he saw Dipper and I he looked relieved, but confused as to why Dipper looked angry at me.


   I ran over to him and hugged him tight as he did the same to me.

   "I knew you kids could defeat Bill."

   "Actually, Great Uncle Ford, we didn't defeat him. Instead, one of us joined him."

   "What do you mean Dipper?"

   "Mabel joined him! She betrayed us all!"

   Ford stopped hugging me and looked down at me.

   "Is this true?"

   "I did it to save everyone! I brought you back, and now everyone is safe from Bill!"

   "Mabel you're a traitor!"

   "No I'm not Dipper!"

   "You joined forces with the enemy!"

   "To save my friends!"

   "Mabel, I'm very disappointed in you."


   "I've warned you multiple times not to make a deal of any sort. And now not only have you made a deal, but you've agreed to join him!"

   I looked at everyone, and I saw that they were all healed, Dipper even had his arm back.

   "I did this for you guys!"

   "Don't expect us to save you."

   I was going to say something, but a red light surrounded me and I could feel myself turning to stone.

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