~Chapter 28~A Look at the Past~

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(A/N: if a chapter has this title, then it'll be a flashback. This one takes place after Starlina has been kidnapped)

Sixer/Ford's POV:

   I left the mindscape with the sleeping child in my arms.

   "You're safe now."

   I arrived back at my home, and realized I had a problem on my hands.

   I can't care for a child, I'm much to busy with my studies to tend to her. But who can I trust-? ........Cheryl.

   I went to the telephone in the kitchen, and called my niece.

   "Hello? Who is this- oh hello Ford, How are you?"

   "I'm doing just fine Cheryl, but I need you to help me with something."

   "Really? What is it?"

   "I found a small child abandoned on my doorstep, but I don't have time to be able to tend to her with all the research I'm doing. I was wondering if you could raise her? She looks like she was born about a week ago. She could be raised with your son as his twin, if you're comfortable with that."

   Sure, I was lying about how I got her, but I don't think anyone would really want to be caring for a kidnapped demon.

   "She? So it's a girl?"

   "Yes. Would you care for her? I don't want to put her in an orphanage."

   "Of course I can. When do you want me to come get her? Wait! What's her name?"

   I wasn't going to let her be called by her real name, so I looked around my kitchen looking for a different one. My eyes happened to land on the maple syrup.


   I blurted that out way to fast...

   "Mabel? What a lovely name."

   I guess she didn't hear me correctly. Although, Mabel is a much better name than maple.

   "You could come get her sometime this week, but bring a car seat for her, I don't have one for you to use."

   "Ok, I'll see you- Dipper! No don't pull on that!"

   I heard her phone drop to the floor and some crashes from somewhere in the house. I heard giggles and running footsteps as well. I ended the call, and saw that the small demon had started to wake up.

   Her soft brown eyes twinkled in the light, and her button nose had a light blush to it. Small tufts of brown hair had already appeared on her head as well. She reached her small hands out to me, and small flames appeared at her fingertips.

   She doesn't know how to control her powers, probably not a good idea to give her to Cheryl if she can set the house ablaze. Where did I put that incantation?

   I went down to the basement and found the paper at my desk.

   "Here it is."

   I pulled out a glass jar from my desk drawer to contain her powers in.

   She's so young, could it kill her? Why would it matter, she's a Cipher.

   "Ebob jb klt Zfmebo, vlro axrdeqbo fp jfkb. Ebo mltbop, qoxmmba xka dlkb. Klqefkd zxk pqlm qefp."

   There was a pink flash, and she passed out. The jar had a pink light bouncing around in it, desperately trying to return to the demon.

   "I'd like to see you try and get her now, Cipher."

Bill's POV:
~after Sixer/Ford left~


   I was red with anger, when I looked away from the door and saw Crystal laying on the floor motionless.

   "I- I didn't do anything to save you.... To save either of you......"

I heard a soft knock at the door.

"What do you want now Sixer? Come back to kill me too?"

"W-what? No it's W-Will."

The door opened and I saw my twin standing there with a shocked expression.

"B-Bill what happened?!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks and Will sat next to me before hugging me tight. I choked out my words between sobs, I barely even knew what I was saying.

"He t-took her...."


"M-my little Starlina...."

Then the anger came back.


Then the anger faded away again and was replaced with sadness. I cried every last tear I had left in me, which took a while.

Will's POV:

He had been crying for three hours before he eventually passed out from exhaustion.

"Oh Bill...."

I looked over at Crystal's lifeless body, then back at Bill sleeping in my arms. I knew what I had to do.

"B-Bill..... I'm going to do this for your own good."

A/N: haha cliffhanger! I guess. Do you want me to do more chapters like this?

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