~Chapter 39~

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Starlina's POV:

I woke up and looked around my dimly lit room. The curtains were drawn, the lamps turned off. The only lighting came from the floating candles around my room, each with a pink flame.

"Dad... Dad I need you..." I heard myself whisper faintly.

"W-what do you mean Bill is in a coma? Where's St-Starlina?" a woman's voice called from down the hall.

Who is that..? I feel like I've heard her before... in a dream...

   "Bill was trying to protect us... he's alone in his room right now... and Starlina's most likely asleep in her's... they've missed you so much, hell, we all have." I heard Jill say.

"W-where is St-Starlina's room?" the woman asked again.

Soon, the sound of a woman's high heels were heard rushing down the hall.



And then they stopped in front of my door. They knocked three times and the door creaked open. I sat up, but I couldn't make out who it was in the dim light.

"St-Starlina..." she called.

"Who... who are you?" I asked.

"Why, w-wouldn't you know your own mother?" she asked, sitting down next to me.


I felt cold tears trickle down my cheeks. She snapped her fingers and the floating candles glowed brighter. I looked at her face. Her sparkling green eyes and short nose. Her long, golden blond hair. The freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks like a perfect constellation of stars. Almost the same freckles as Dad...

"Mom... h-how? How are y-you... b-ack?"

"Shush now, little one. Everything's alright..." Mother said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly.

Then we were quiet. We sat with our arms wrapped around the other, in disbelief the other was right in front of us.

"A-am I dreaming? Is that w-why you're here? This i-isn't real?" I asked.

"No, sweetheart... I'm back. I'm never leaving my family again."


   "Shush... everything's alright... I'm here... go back to sleep..." she urged softly.

   I let my eyes close and I drifted off to sleep.

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