~Chapter 35~

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Jill's POV:

   I should've ended our relationship years ago... but I never knew about what he did... he hid it all so well... the things he did to my precious Shooting Star... I'll kill him if I ever get the chance. He has no idea where we are. But we have no idea where he is either... surely that isn't helping my Shooting Star at all...

I stopped in front of Stella's door.

"My Shooting Star..."

I knocked softly on the hard wood.

"My Shooting Star, do you want to see me?"

"P-please." I heard her reply weakly.

I opened her door and stepped inside, locking the entrance behind me. I looked to her bed where she lay covered with blankets and hugging large stuffed animals close. Used tissues littered the floor.

"Darling... what's wrong?"

"D-Dad." She choked out for her reply.

I'll kill him. I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do. No one messes with my Shooting Star and gets away with it that easily.

I sat next to her waist, looking down at my broken daughter. Her cheeks tear stained. Her eyes closed shut, trying to stop her tears.

"No Darling... open your eyes... it's alright to cry..." I spoke softly, my words only to be heard by her.

Her eyes opened and she looked up at me. I ran my fingers through her long hair, dark brown with some purple running through, just like mine.

"Darling... when's the last time you let them out?"

"Two weeks before we came here..."

"Stella... you're supposed to let them out at least once a week. Not tucked away all the time. You don't even let them out while you sleep?"


"Why not, Stella?"

"...They aren't healed yet..."

"Stella, what to you mean by that? Is there something important you haven't told me..?"

Her face paled and her eyes widened.

"N-nothing it's nothing!"

"Stella I'm not mad at you... please tell me..."

"...D-Dad... he... the first time he saw me with them out... he t-tried to cut them off... he d-didn't but he cut through the left one..."


"St-Stella sit up. Please."

She did, instantly burying her face in my shoulder.

"They still h-hurt so much..."

I rubbed her back as her cries subsided to faint whimpers.

"How long ago did he cut them..."

"T-three years... two days before you st-stopped him..."

My eyes teared up. I was to late... I stopped him to late...

"Stella... let them out. You'll feel better, just let them out."

"B-but we're not at home and you said to not l-let them out anywhere but home!"

"Forget what I said. That was years ago... demons like you aren't hunted anymore. It's safe to let them out. There aren't any windows in here and the door is locked. Come on Darling, you'll feel better."

She got off the bed and stood in the middle of the room. Her eyes glowed a soft purple, when suddenly she gave off a blinding flash. When I opened my eyes again, I saw her sitting on her knees. Beautiful wings spread wide.

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