~Chapter 34~

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Will's POV:

"St-Starlina, it's almost m-midnight."

"Oh... a-alright. Goodnight Father, I love you.

She bent over and kissed his forehead. I held my hand out to her and she reluctantly took it.

"Can I come back tomorrow?"

"Of c-course you can."

We left Bill's room and I locked the tall doors behind us.

"But..... d-don't go in there without Jill or me. U-understood?"

She nodded.

"What's in there that I can't know about?"

I can't tell her........ that's Bill's decision whether he wants her to know or not....... but it would make everything so much easier if she knew.......

"I can't tell you that. Bill would be devastated if I told you. Maybe he will tell you someday."

She wasn't satisfied with that answer, but was clearly not mentally stable enough to ask me again what he is hiding from her.

"You need rest. And water and food."

"I'm not hungry or thirsty Uncle Will......... but thank you for the offer."

"Starlina I don't want Bill to wake up o-only to find that you died from starvation and d-dehydration."

"Dream demons don't die from human stuff like that. ...Right?"

We went into her room and I sat her down on her bed.

"Dream demons age physically until they t-turn sixty five. After that, they wake up the next morning completely immortal and look as if they were o-only twenty or thirty, depending on the d-demon. So you need to stay hydrated, well fed, and stay out of danger. Dozens of dream demons lose their lives from making f-foolish decisions, please don't be one of t-them."

She fell silent, looking paler as she processed this information.

"Why didn't anyone tell me I can die......."

"Sometimes we don't remember that you haven't spent your whole life as a demon........ and we don't tell you important things you need to know....."

I gave her a glass of water, and she gladly took it.

"Thank you Uncle Will."

   "Get some sleep Starlina, you need it."

   She hugged me tight one more time before laying down in her bed. Her pig came and snuggled up behind her before I pulled the blankets over them both.

   "Goodnight Starlina. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Uncle Will..."

   She rolled over and hugged the pig as she fell asleep.

   Demons don't need sleep. This shows how truly upset she is. She sleeps so she doesn't have to face her emotions. She sleeps, hoping to find Bill in her dreams. But he'll never truly be there.

   Poor dear...



   I closed Starlina's door and ran to the monsters' quarters.

   "Jill what's going on?"

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