~Chapter 22~

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Starlina's POV:

   "I swear, if those Pines do anything to him-"

   "B-Bill is g-going to be fine. If I know a-anything about my brother, it's that he knows h-how to defend himself."

   "They could use his wheel, that stupid gun again, the-"

   "Guns can't hurt d-demons."

   "Sixer made some stupid invention that can weaken powers, he used it on me first, then on father."

   "That could k-kill a demon!"

   "What?! He acted like it wasn't a big deal! What if Sixer kills him this time?!"

   "C-calm down Starlina."

   "How am I supposed to calm down when my father is in potential danger?!"

   Tyrone and Mabel ran into the room and looked confused as to why I was so frantic.

   "Star? Starlina what's wrong?"

   "Father's in trouble!"

   "What? What happened?"

   "Starlina, Bill is f-fine."

   They all looked worried about me, and I felt like a mess. Tears threatened to fall, and Tyrone seemed upset to see me like this. He came up to me and offered a handkerchief from his suit pocket.

"Th-thank you..."

I wiped the tears from my eye and handed the small cloth back to him.

"I'm s-sorry I overreacted like that, and I'm sorry to have worried you if I did."

I left the study and entered my room where I saw Waddles waiting for me. I sat next to him on my bed and he sat in my lap.

"Hello Waddles."

He oinked in response, and he seemed to look concerned.

Now I've surely lost my mind.

"Everything's fine, you don't need to worry."

He didn't buy it.

Smart pig.

"I'm just worried about Father..... I know I shouldn't be, but I just wish I could've gone with-"

I heard a knock on my door before Tyrone opened it, and looked at me as if I was crazy. But to be honest, I can be as insane as my father.

"Talking to the pig, didn't know you were that crazy."

"I prefer the term insane, thank you very much."

"You're just like Uncle Bill."

"And that's something I'm proud of."

"Star, are you ok? You looked so frantic and scared, I'm kinda worried about you."

"I'm just worried about my father.... I know he can protect himself, but Sixer has some inventions that could really hurt a demon...."

   "Star, this is Bill we're talking about. The guy who started the apocalypse or Weirdmageddeon as he calls it, has possessed thousands through his lifetime, tricked and deceived millions. I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

"But Sixer-"

"Star, he said he'd be back tomorrow morning, and I'm sure he will be. You need sleep, so I'm going to go see how Mabel and fa- Will are doing."

Tyrone left my room with a snap of his fingers, and I laid down on my bed as Waddles snuggled up against me.

"Goodnight Waddles."

Just go to sleep, father will be here when you wake up.

   I drifted off to sleep, my mind filled with worry.

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