~Chapter 21~

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Starlina's POV:

   Father and I had talked all evening, and almost all night. I eventually fell asleep, and woke up to father singing softly.

   "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day."

   "Good morning Father."

   I looked up at him and smiled softly, and realized how he looked a little uneasy like he was hiding something.

   "Good morning Shooting Star."

   "Father? What are you hiding from me?"

   "I promise that I won't hide things from you. I just didn't want to tell you yet."

   "Tell me what?"

"I'm going to that old shack today, to settle something with Pine Tree. You'll be staying here with your Uncle Will-"

"I have an uncle?"

"And an aunt. You haven't met either of them, but they're very like able demons."

"What is Uncle Will like?"

"Well he's-"

Before he could finish, his bow tie started to ring.

"One second Star."

He snapped his fingers and his bow tie disappeared and reappeared in his hand as an old fashioned telephone.

"Yellow?............. How ya doin' Will?....... Good I guess........ You gonna be here soon?.......... Alright, see ya when ya get here."

With a snap of his fingers his bow tie appeared again, and he looked at me to continue our conversation.

"So what's Uncle Will like?"

"To put it simply, he's sensitive, quiet, and isn't difficult at all. I suppose he's what humans would call "cute" but he's just an average demon. I overpower him greatly, but he isn't weak."

"Do you think he'll like me?"

"He's gonna love you. But, I might have forgotten to tell him and your aunt that I got you back, so if he's shocked to see you, now you know why."

"Is he going to be here soon?"

"He said-"

Father was interrupted by a sudden blue portal that appeared in the room, and out of it stepped a man who looked identical to Bill but blue, a boy who looked exactly like Pine Tree, but very well dressed, and a girl who looked just like me but in an outfit that coordinated with the boy's.

"H-hello Bill-"

The blue haired demon looked at me and his eye filled with tears.

"Y-you got her b-back...."

"Indeed I did. Starlina, this is your Uncle Will, and your cousins Tyrone and Mabel."

I gave a small wave, and Tyrone walked up to me. He kissed the back of my hand, and then looked into my eye.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss. Starlina."

"Same to you Tyrone. But what do you mean by finally?"

"I've heard a lot about you from my father. But he never told me that Uncle Bill had found you again."

"That's b-because Bill never told m-me. When did you find her?"

"I had actually found her two years ago, but the Pines kept her from me. I finally got her back after I made a deal with her."

"It seems you've had quite the adventure Miss Starlina."

"I have, and I'm just glad to be with my real father."

Uncle Will walked up to me and smiled softly.

"H-hello Starlina."

His voice was watery, and tears were trickling down his cheek.

"Hello Uncle Will."

I wiped his tears away before hugging him, and he hugged me back tightly. I looked up at him to see that he was still crying, and I felt sad for him. But everyone else just acted like it was normal.

"Uncle Will, everything's ok."

"My brother is just a bit of a crybaby, that's all."

"I- I am not!"

Bill just laughed and pulled Will into his study to talk. Mabel came over to me, and her sour face disappeared.

"It really is you."

"Have we met before?"

"I had stopped by one time when I opened a portal mistakenly, and Bill introduced me to you. Of course, I was only two at the time but us demons can remember everything from the start of our immortal lives."

"I don't remember anything from my childhood until after eight-"

"I thought you were a demon?"

"Mabel. Haven't you listened to father at all?"

"Not very often."

"I'll talk to you later. Right now I'm going to catch up with Starlina."

Tyrone snapped his fingers and a fancy table for three appeared out of thin air. Tea had also appeared, but I had never had tea before and didn't want to be rude by spitting it out if it tasted bad.

The three of us sat down, and a blue aura appeared around their hands as well as blue gems that they wore. The tea pot floated over to me and poured into my cup on its own, with a faint blue glow around it. The same happened to Tyrone and Mabel, and they acted as if nothing had happened.

"Um, do you guys have a magic tea set or something?"

Mabel let out a small snicker, and Tyrone gave her a stern look before turning to me.

"No, our powers just come from our gems."


"So, Starlina-"

"You guys can call me Star if you want to."

"Star, what was it like living with Pine Tree?"

"Oh, well, it was never boring. He always had some mystery or theory he wanted me to help him with."

"Do you miss the Pines?"

"Brother, I think you're gettin' a little personal."

"Forgive me Star, I didn't mean to intrude."

   "I-it's fine...... I'm going to go see when father is leaving. It was nice meeting you both."

   I left the room quietly and went to the study where they were still talking.


   "Yes Star?"

   "Do you know when you'll be leaving?"

   "I was just about to."

   "But why do you have to go?"

   "It's just a deal I had made with Pine Tree. I'll go talk with him about some things, and come right back."

   "B-but what if they have a trap waiting for you? What if they're gonna hurt you? What if you don't come back......"

   "I will always come back, no matter what."

   I hugged him tightly as tears made their way down my face.

   "Everything's ok, my beautiful little Starlina."

   "I- I know..."

   "The sooner I go, the sooner I come back. I'll be home before morning, I promise."

   He kissed my forehead before snapping his fingers and leaving.

   "I love you Father."

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