~Chapter 38~

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Will's POV:

   Tyrone closed the door behind him and walked to me. I wasn't pleased. I cast a sound barrier spell on the door so Jill and Stella couldn't hear my yelling.

   "Tyrone you know we knock on Stella's door before entering! And we especially don't go barging in there yelling!"

   "Its two in the afternoon! It's not like she was undressing or anything!"

   "That's not the point Tyrone! The point is that you ignored Stella's simple wishes! You are to knock on her door before you enter, you are to not make any loud noises to alarm her unless absolutely necessary! What were you thinking?!"

   "I was only telling Jill and Stella that we're bringing Crystal back!" he yelled in retorsion.

"Tyrone shush! You mustn't wake Starlina with such racket and ideas! We don't know for a fact the spell will work. ...I'm gravely disappointed in you, Tyrone."

   He rolled his eyes and walked off to his room. I sighed and looked back to Stella's door. Mabel looked to me.


   "Mabel, would you please go check on Starlina? It's already been about an hour since we left."

   "Of course, Father."

   I kissed her forehead before she walked away down the hallway to Starlina's quarters. I knocked softly on Stella's door and heard a slight gasp from her.

   "It's just Uncle Will. I don't have anything sharp or dangerous, I promise I won't yell, and I'll give you all the space you need. I only want to see you and your Mother."

   "Come in, Will." I heard Jill say.

   I opened the door, then sat in the chair across from Stella's bed on the other side of the room. Stella was sitting in Jill's lap, sniffling and hugging her mother close.

   "H-Hi, Uncle Will." Stella said.

   "Hello, Stella."

   "Will, is everything alright? Why did Tyrone come in here with the noise of Mardi Gras's?"

   "I'm so sorry about Tyrone... he finds it strange to have to knock on one's door and gain permission before entering. He just doesn't understand things that aren't his natural doing. But... he came in here to tell you something important...."

   Stella and Jill both looked at me with interest.

   "Jill... we're bringing Crystal back."

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