~Chapter 14~

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Mabel's POV:

The portal took me in front of the shack, but I couldn't get inside because of that stupid barrier.

"Pine- D-Dipper? D-dipper.... I n-need you..."

I played innocent, and kept calling out his name and telling him how in pain I was. After about five minutes I saw him open the door, and at first he just gave me his death stare before seeing how "hurt" I was.

"Mabel oh my gosh what happened?!"

"B-Bill tricked me.... He t-took my powers and tortured me...."

Dipper helped me stand up and we both went to the Shack.

I can't believe he fell for this! How did I ever think I was related to him?

Dipper opened the door and we both went inside. But after I walked through the door I couldn't move any further in. I didn't see anything in front of me, but when I put my hand put to touch it I felt an electric shock in my hand.

"W-what's going on?"

"I'm not stupid Mabel. I knew you'd be back for my blood eventually to bring your mother back."

"Newsflash Sixer: my name isn't Mabel anymore."

"Then what is it?"

"Starlina Cipher. And you're right, I am here for your blood, you murderer."

"Well good luck trying to get out of there. If you haven't noticed, I've drawn your wheel on the floor, and Bill's taught you about it I'm sure."

   I looked down, and sure enough my wheel had been drawn in marker on the wooden floor.

   "H-how is a drawing keeping me from going anywhere?"

   "You really are stupid aren't you? Just like your mother and father."

   "Leave my parents out of this!"

   "Well that's easy, because neither of them are coming on here to save you."

"My father will come for me. He told me that if I wasn't back in a day then he would come for me."

"But how is he supposed to come in? That unicorn hair is still all around the shack, the hair you got to keep your father out."

"I'll use my powers. I'll get out of here, take what I need and leave. Now are we going to do this the easy way, or the fun way?"

"You're powers are useless."

"My powers are just like my father's. They are strong, and nothing can compare to them."

"As long as you're trapped in there, you're powers aren't going to work."

"Y-you're lying to me so I don't even try."

"Go ahead."

I snapped my fingers to return to my other form, but nothing happened. I tried over and over, but nothing happened.

"I know my father will find a way in here."

"I'd like to see the isosceles idiot try."

"My father is not an idiot. He knows more than you ever will."

"You are not worth my time. Have fun trying to escape."

Sixer walked out of the room, and Pine tree sat down in front of me.

"How's the weather down there Pine Tree?"

"Are you calling me short?"

"Indeed I am."

"All I wanted was a deal."

Well that certainly sparked interest.

"What sort of deal?"


Bill's POV:

"If those morons do anything to her I'll be doing more than just mixing up their ugly as hell faces."

Bill, get ahold of yourself, worry is getting to you.

"Well of course it is! I've already lost my wife to that man..... A-and I'm not losing my daughter too."

Go mess with your minions, that always gets your mind off things.

"I'm good at rationalizing, who knew?"

I walked out into the hall see see that Star's door was open.

"Star? Are you back already?"

I walked into her room and found Pyronica and Hectorgon trying on her sweaters. When they saw me they froze and their eyes went wide.

"What are you idiots doing with her sweaters?!"

"W-w-we um well w-we-"

"Take those off and go on night patrol!"

"B-but boss we already d-did."

"Take off the sweaters and go do it again brainiacs!"

They both quickly took off the sweaters and ran out of the room when fire started in my fists.

I saw the pig on the bed who seemed to be staring at me.

"What do you want?"

The pig seemed to be staring straight into my soul, and it was disturbing to say the least.

"I'm just gonna go...."

I walked back into my study and checked the time.

"How has Star been gone for eight hours already? She should have been able to get in with Pine Tree's help, stopped playing innocent, gotten the blood and gotten out. She should've been back hours ago...."

I laid down on my bed and tried to think.

"Why wouldn't she be back yet? What if they convinced her to stay? W-what if she chose to stay?"

Get ahold of yourself, Star would never do that.

"But what if she isn't in trouble at all? What if she used me to keep them safe and to get her powers back?"

Just go to sleep, worry is making you act like a pitiful human.

"If Star isn't back when I wake up, then I'm going after her."

Good plan.

I tried to go to sleep, but worry was keeping me up.

"If anything happened to Star I won't be able to forgive myself....."

Star seems to be just like her mother, and now you seem to be just like a human.

"I am nothing like those weak humans."

Why don't you just go after her already?

"I don't want her to feel like I'm overprotective, even though I am. She's only been gone eight hours, and I'm sure she's got it under control. Sixer doesn't stand a chance against her if she uses her powers like she did earlier."

Don't you think Sixer knows about her wheel? We both know what happened when he used yours, you almost died trying to get out.

"Surely he wouldn't put her in danger like that..... Right?"

That's for you to find out.

"He couldn't draw to save his worthless life. I'm going to sleep, and if she's not here by morning I'm going after her."

I forced myself to sleep, my mind filled with worry.

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