~Chapter 7~

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Mabel's POV:

Bill placed the rift like object on the floor close to me, and I didn't feel tired anymore.

"W-what happened?"

"Isn't your fourteenth birthday tomorrow?"

"Yeah, two hours away. Why?"

"Dream demon powers achieve maximum strength on their demon's fourteenth birthday. I don't know why fourteen, but we just go with it. That's why we had to find them."

"Are we going back to the Fearamid now?"

"Do you want me to teleport us there?"

"I want to wish Dipper a happy birthday first."

"Are you sure it's safe to?"

"If it gets dangerous you can just teleport us, right?"

"Of course. Let's go then. Wait, I want you to hold onto your powers. I don't want you passing out or something."

Bill handed over the container to me and I felt full of energy.


I was speaking really fast, and my voice sounded high pitched.

"You know what, I think I'll just hold on to it."

Bill took the container back, and I felt normal again.

"What. Just. Happened."

"I'll explain later, let's just go see Pine Tree. And stay close to me."

Bill snapped his fingers, and we were in the kitchen with everyone else.

"Happy birthday Dipper. I know it's a little early, but I wanted to say it before I left."

"So you're just going to say that and leave us? I thought we were the Mystery Twins!"

He's playing that card? I never thought he'd stoop so low.

"You didn't seem to care earlier if I was with Bill. You told me you wouldn't even try to save me. Not that I want to be saved."

"I was just mad.... Mabel, stay with us. We can defeat Bill and grow up together."

"Dipper, I'm not going to defeat my own dad. I'm going to be with Bill, and you guys can't stop me."

Dipper came running at me, and I thought he was going to hold onto me so I couldn't leave. But instead he ran to Bill and knocked him to the ground.


"Pine Tree, it's cute that you care about me and all, cause I'm technically family if you still consider Shooting Star your sister, but would you mind getting off of me?"

"You're not family!"

"I still want you to get off me, before things get, you know, ugly."

"You're already here, how much uglier could it get?"

"Talking to yourself again?"

"Ok, that's enough. You two are acting like children. Dipper, get off of Bill, and Bill, get off the floor, you look rather pitiful."

Bill got a good laugh out of that, and Dipper just looked at him like he was crazy. Which, knowing Bill, he was.

"Someone's taking after dad now aren't they?"

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