~Chapter 15~

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Mabel's POV:

   "What kind of deal?"

   "I- I want my sister back...."

   "Hate to break it to you Pine Tree but you never had one."

   "Mabel, you-"

   "The name's Starlina."

   "What about all the adventures we had? All the fun times we had together? You want to leave all that behind just to be with Bill?"

   "Stop being sappy. I'm interested in a deal."

   "I-if you promise-"

   "I don't make promises I make deals."

   "If I let you out of there, in return you have to come visit once a week."

   Am I that desperate to get out? I can't come here every week it's a complete waste of my time. Or what if father needs me? Maybe I could get it down to once a month.

   "I'm to busy to see you every week. How about once a month?"

   "Twice a month."

   "Make it once and I won't take Sixer's blood."

   "Once a month, and you have to call me Dipper again."

   "How about your real name? Ma-"

   "Fine you can call me Pine Tree! Just not my real name."

   "So you'll let me out and all I gotta do is visit once a month?"

   Pine Tree nodded his head as Sixer walked into the room.

   "It's a deal Pine Tree!"


   Pine Tree held his hand out to me, and we shook firmly. The drawing underneath me disappeared, and as soon as it did I snapped my fingers to return to my favored form. Pine Tree and Sixer's eyes went wide as fire started in my hands, and I laughed at their fright.

   And then Sixer pulled out a gun.

"You think that's gonna work? You should've seen me at the Fearamid earlier when those Time Police came! I shuffled one's face around like my father did to that stuck up Northwest, and gave ballet lessons to another! You should have seen the fear on his face! Oh, and I've mastered shields, so that little gun you've got won't work."

"This isn't a normal gun."

"Oh I'm so-"

Sixer pulled the trigger, and a white ball of light flew at me. The impact was harder than when I got my powers back, and I could already feel broken bones. I fell to the ground and the fire in my hands disappeared.

"W-what did you do?"

I tried to at least sit up, but I felt drained of all energy I had.

"Simple, I weakened your powers. I'd like to see you try and leave now."

"D-dad.... Help me..."


Bill's POV:

"D-dad.... Help me..."

I woke up with a start, hearing Star in trouble.

"Star? Are you back already? What's wrong?"

I teleported to her room, but no one was in there and everything looked untouched.

"St-star where are you...."

She's not here, so where else could she be?


What about the deal you made with Star?

"Shut up, she's in danger and we're going to save her."

Small problem, you can't go in there. You can either die trying to get in there, or you could do the smarter idea of putting your powers in a container of your own. You'll be human too! What fun that'll be to watch.

"At least while I'm human you won't be in my head."

You know you enjoy our conversations.

"To be honest, no. Not at all."

I snapped my fingers and the necklace appeared in my hand. Just holding it felt tiring already.

   I'm sure Star will love another girly necklace to wear. That black triangle charm really goes well with that stupid shooting star charm!

   "Her charm is not stupid. Now shut up, I need to focus."

   I held the necklace in my hand firmly, and snapped my fingers.

   It. Was. Painful.

   For a moment everything went black, then a bright white, and then normal again.

"I'm coming Star, and those Pines are in for it."

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