~Chapter 31~

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Starlina's POV:

Father only looked straight ahead. His face was emotionless, but at the same time showing great pain.

"Father? What's happening? What's happening to you?"

He didn't respond.


I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and when I turned to look at them I saw Will.

"Starlina, take it off."

"What? Take what off?"

"His eyepatch."

"But Uncle Will-"

"Trust me."

He started to untie his own, and I did the same to Father.

Please forgive me.

Both their eyepatches hit the floor at the same time, and when I looked up at Father I realized why he always wore it.

There was an eye, but it looked human. Not like his other golden one. But there wasn't a color to it. No brown, blue or green. It was grey instead.

A blind eye..... But does Will have one too?

I looked at Uncle Will, who opened his second eye and looked back at me. His looked just like Father's. They were both blind in one eye.

"W-why did I need to-"

"He's alright. Let's just get him to bed."

"But Uncle Will, why-"

"Starlina, some questions are b-better left unanswered."

Will tied his eyepatch back on, and I put Father's back on. I looked up at his emotionless face, already missing his smile. He sat on his feet perfectly still, his chest didn't show any signs of breathing.

   "Father? Pl-please....... Please wake up!"

   Another person put their hand on my shoulder, and when I turned to look I saw Jill.

   "W-what's happening to him? Why can't he hear me? Why isn't he moving?"

   "Dear, we just need to give him time."

   "What do you m-mean by that?"

   "Starlina he's..... He's in a self induced coma....."

   "W-what? How?"

   "He didn't intend for it to happen, he never does. But when a demon gets as upset as he was and show no signs of calming down, they just completely "shut off" in a way."

   "H-how long will he be like this?"

   "Maybe a month or two....."

   "C-can't we wake him up? With magic or something?"

   "We could, but it wouldn't be good at all for Bill."


   "Waking a demon from a coma can affect their minds. In Bill's case, he would most likely lose all grip on his sanity, turn completely evil, something like that. Their consequence for being woken, even if they weren't the ones who chose to, would be the deepest darkest worry in their mind. His is most likely being separated from you again, or hurting you."

   "I can't be without him for a month......"

   "I know dear, but if we woke him up, his greatest worry would come true. Most likely you being separated from him. And destiny has always found a way to make those fears and worries happen. Bill could die if you're gone to long."

They Called me a TraitorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora