Passive aggressively?~ Poofless

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Ship- poofless
Type-getting together

Preston's pov
"Thanks have a nice day." I say to a nice woman who just bought some flowers at my shop. We've been really busy lately. There was a pair of guys one blonde and tall, the other short and Indian. They were looking at flowers for there friends wedding. So here I sit doing nothing when a man about my age stormed in. He slams a 20 onto the counter and says. "How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flowers?" He says. He had a head full of brown kinda curly hair and brown eyes. He had a bit of a beard and was clearly mad about something. "Um well we've got like roses?" I say trying to help but not knowing what he wants. "Roses? Those things are the symbol of love." He says. He's about to walk out when the blonde one from earlier calls his name and he stops, I couldn't help but listen.
"Rob?" The blonde questioned.
"Lachlan, Vik? What are you guys doing here. I haven't seen you in ages." He says brig the two in for a hug.
"Merome's wedding is Friday. You bring your new boyfriend." Says Vik play punching his arm.
"Ughh no. John cheated on me with some guy named Josh or something.i don't really care but, I'm still going to the wedding." He says with a sigh.
"No Robert, me and Vik will find you a date for Friday. You can't go to a wedding alone." Says Lachlan
"What ever. I'll see you guys later. I'm trying to find hate flowers for John." He says.
"Of course the flower King would by hate flowers. By Rob see you soon." Said Vik as they left. Leaving just me and that Rob guy here. I walk over.
"What I meant by roses is leave the thorns on them. They hurt really bad." I say handing him a bouquet of roses.
"Thanks. I'm Rob by the way." He says shaking my hand.
"Preston. Nice to meet you, so why do you need passive aggressive flowers?" I questioned.
"Oh well my boyfriend just went and cheated on me, and my friends call me the flower King, and i don't know you think I'm weird cause I'm gay now right, yah I'll just be going." He says getting up.
"Hey wait. I over heard you need a date for a wedding. I could go with you if you'd like." I suggest.
"Oh um okay. I guess this can be how we get to know each other a little more. I'll see you around Preston." He says walking out leaving me in ah. Damn was he fine.
The next day the tall and short couple came in again, still looking for flowers, but now Rob was with them. I wave hi shyly and he waves back blushing a little going back to his friends. I swear after a while I heard my name, then a was sure when Lachlan turned and pointed my way. I blushed going back to work on my computer. Rob walks over and leans on my desk. "So before the wedding, do you want to go to dinner sometime?" He asked. I said yes and we're going out tonight. He took me to a fancy restaurant and at the end of the night he kissed me. I guess you could say we're kinda dating. I went to the wedding Friday with Rob and met all his friends. They were really nice and funny. Rob comes in everyday to the flower store just because he can. He did this for almost 3 months then one day he stormed In. "Robbie what's wrong." I ask. "How do I passively aggressively say I want to fuck you in flowers." He smirks and kisses me.

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