MiniZerk/vikklan PT. 1

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Simon's pov
It was me and Vik, we were late night Pokemon hunting in central London near a nice park. Vikk was walking in front of me talking on the phone with Lachlan,His boyfriend. So here I was, walking alone behind my friend looking at my phone when I'm pushed into a lake. Yah, that's right. A lake. I push my self up and out onto the grass when a man about a few years older then me offers me his hand. He had black hair and a beard and was smoking hot! "OH MY GOD, IM SO SORRY FOR PUSHING YOU IN THAT LAKE THERE WAS AN EVEE OVER THERE AND I DID'NT SEE YOUAND DAMN YOU LOOK GOOD IN WET CLOTHES..... I MEAN NOTHING." He say. "It's okay. Honestly. I'm playing Pokemon to. You can walk with me and my friend if you want?" I offered, knowing as Vik could talk to Lachlan for hours on end. "Um sure, I'm out with some other guys, mind if they join?" He asked. "Not at all the more the better." I say walking up to Vik. "Mmhmm I've  got to go Lachy. Talk to you soon. Love you to. Bye. AHHH Simon. How um long have you been there, and why are you all wet." He asked panicked and blushing. "About 30 seconds, that guy over there kinda ran into me and I feel in the lake. He and his friends are gonna walk with us cool?" I questioned. "Um yah sure whatever. How much of my conversation did you hear?" Vik asked blushing. "Vik I know you and Lachlan are dating. Calm your self. I won't tell anyone." I say with a smile. "Simon your the best thank you thanks you!" He says kissing me. It's not like a boyfriend kinda thing, Vik just likes kissing people it's who he shows emotion. But you try and hug Vik he'll kill you. Hugs are only for Lachlan. I get a weird look from josh after Vik kissed me, but he calls his friends over anyways. "Um this is Tobi,Ethan,and Jide but you can call him JJ." "I'm Simon and this is Vik." I say. "So who's ready to catch them all?" Says Vik. We all laugh and start comparing what we have. Josh pulls me pack a little from the group. "Hi, you okay?" I ask kinda worried about my new friend. "Um yah, I just had a question? Are you and that Vik kid dating? I was just winding because I seen you kiss." He asked kinda rambling on. "Oh me and Vik, no Viks got a boyfriend who lives in Australia, he's coming down in a few days. It's just what Vik dose, he isn't good at sharing feeling so kissing works. You get used to it, and he's kisses are kinda nice." I say explaining the encounter. "Oh, so that means your gay?" He asked. "Um I Bi, is that a problem." I ask. "Oh no no trust me I'm gay, and that's why I freaked out because your really freaking hot, I thought you and Vik were together. And wanna go to dinner some time." He asked blushing. "Sure I'd love to, but you'll have to ask Vik for permission, he's a feisty little man. Watch out." I say as Josh walks up to Vik, who happened to be on the phone with Lachlan again....
Viks pov
"Hey Lachy, I can't wait till you fly in this weekend, and I have to tell ou about my new friends and there all really nice. I promise. And I think Simon has a crush on one of them. And like he needs someone in his life. And I'm just so excited!" I say running out of air. "Sounds like some one has had an eventful day. I'm glade your making friends Vik. We're they okay with the whole kissing thing?" He asked knowing about my social problems. "I don't know let me see." I take my phone off me ear and walk over to Josh. "Hey Vik. I wanted to ask you if I could take Simon out some time? Like to dinner?" He asked really nice. "Of course! He hates fish so stay away, but he looks "wedge food" it's hard to explain. I'm so happy for him." I say spinning around in circles. "Thanks Josh." I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips and going back to Lachy. "So how did he take it." He asked "I think Simon told him about it. Your gonna love him. I swear Lachy." I say. "Not as much as I love you, and you better not be giving out my hugs Vikkram. Or your gonna get punished" He says sending shivers down my spine with the usage of my full name. "I might have to know since there's a prize for giving them out." I smirk back to him. "Whatever kid, I love you Vikky. I got to go. It's getting late here in Aussie land. See you soon tell Simon hi for me." He says. "Okay love you to Lachy." I hang up and skip back to Simon. I get my camera ready and a hug Simon snapping a photo and sending it to Lachlan
Lachy~ you better be ready.....
Vikky~ I'm always ready for you😘
"Oh and Simon you can go on a date with Josh, and I told him wedge food. No fish." I smile walking back up to talk to Ethan, but I can't wait for Lachlan to get here!!!
Josh's pov
It's been 3 days since I met Vik and Simon, they both are really excited because Lachlan comes in today. Lachlan and Simon are really good friends. So I'm gonna ask Lachlan for help on where to take him. Me, Ethan, Tobi, and JJ were all over at Vik and Simons house. It was huge it had eight bedrooms and a nice kitchen. Vik was off the walls crazy/excited, like more then he usually is. We learned Vik, Simon, and Lachlan do YouTube. That's what we do to. Where going to start a group called the Sidemen. Lachlan is already part of another group though, and his channel is pg. "okay opinions on this one?" Said Vik as walked down the stairs in a pair of jeans and vans with a red hoodie, but it looked really good on him. "Yah I like that one Vikky." Said Simon. "Me to." Says Ethan. "Ekk okay. I'm going go pick up Lachlan. I'm don't kill each other while I'm gone." He says walking out the door but coming in about a minute later because he forgot his keys. Me and Simon have been talking a lot more since I asked him on a date, so he sat next to me on the couch as we watched a move. He was kinda cuddled into me, and it felt nice. "Listen. I know Vik kinda worried you about dinner and no mater what you do it's gonna be perfect." He whispered in my ear and kissed a soft kiss to my cheek. My stomach dose backflips! We're about half way through the movie when the door opens, and Vik walks in with a guy who has piercing blue eyes golden blond hair and is like 6'7. Then there is Vik who had jet black hair, dark brown eyes, and is barely 5'2. It was very weird to see them as a couple. "Guys this is my boyfriend Lachlan!" He says

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